Lajnat Al-Da'wa al Islamia
- Lajnat Al-Da'wa al Islamia
Lajnat Al-Da'wa al Islamia "(also known as the “Islamic Call Committee”)" is a Kuwaiti based Muslim non-governmental organization.[cite web]
title=Terrorism and Financial Intelligence: Presidential Order 13224
publisher=United States Treasury
accessdate=January 10
accessyear=2007] The Lajnat Al-Da'wa al Islamia's mandate is to serve as a humanitarian aid organization.
In the fall of 2001 United States President issued Executive Order 13224, which listed several dozen organizations that American intelligence analysts asserted were tied to terrorism.[ Lajnat Al-Da'wa al Islamia was one of the organizations listed. American intelligence analysts assert that Lajnat Al-Da'wa al Islamia has provided logistic support to terrorist groups.]
Lajnat Al-Da'wa al Islamia and the Guantanamo captives
Allegations of association with Lajnat Al-Da'wa al Islamia was among the justifications American intelligence analysts offered for the continued detention of Guantanamo captives.[ [ Summarized transcript (.pdf)] , from Adel Hassan Hamad's "Administrative Review Board hearing" - page 248] ]
During the Administrative Review Board hearing of Adel Hassan Hamad Zahid Al-Sheikh was alleged to have been one of the directors of Lajnat Al-Da'wa al Islamia.[The Administrative Review Board was told that Zahid Al-Sheikh was one of the older brothers of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a member of the senior leadership of Al Qaeda.]
Lajnat Al-Da'wa al Islamia leadership
A press release from the Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Call and Guidance, said the Minister received a delegation from the Islamic Call Committee.[cite web]
title=Minister of Islamic Affairs receives officials
publisher-Saudi Press Agency
accessdate=January 10
accessyear=2007] The press release named Prince Dr. Bandar bin Salman bin Mohammed Al-Saud as the Head of (Islamic) Call Committee in Africa.
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