Armed Forces Provisional Ruling Council

Armed Forces Provisional Ruling Council

Armed Forces Provisional Ruling Council (AFPRC) gained control of Gambia in July 1994, in a military coup d'état. The AFPRC deposed the Dawda Jawara government and banned opposition political activity. Lieutenant Yahya A.J.J. Jammeh, chairman of the AFPRC, became head of state. The AFPRC announced a transition plan for return to democratic civilian rule. The Provisional Independent Electoral Commission was established in 1996 to conduct national elections. The transition process included the compilation of a new electoral register; adoption of a new constitution by referendum in August of that year; presidential elections in September of that year and legislative elections in January 1997, respectively. Retired Colonel Jammeh was sworn into office as President of the Republic of The Gambia on November 6, 1996. The PIEC was transformed into the Independent Electoral Commission on April 17, 1997; this commission deals with voter registration and the holding of elections and referendums. [ [ Background Note: The Gambia] , U.S. Department of State, March 2006.] [ [ Country Report on Human Rights Practices for The Gambia] , U.S. Department of State, March 4 2002.] [ [ "Thousands protest peacefully at murder of journalist"] , IRIN, December 22 2004.]

ee also

* Politics of the Gambia
* History of the Gambia


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