- Auguste Michel-Lévy
Infobox Scientist
box_width =
image_width =150px
caption = PAGENAME
birth_date =August 7 ,1844
birth_place =Paris
death_date =September 27 ,1911
death_place =
residence =
citizenship =
nationality = French
ethnicity =
field =geology
work_institutions =Geological Survey of France
alma_mater =
doctoral_advisor =
doctoral_students =
known_for =
author_abbrev_bot =
author_abbrev_zoo =
influences = F Fouqué
influenced =
prizes =
religion =
footnotes =Auguste Michel-Lévy (
August 7 ,1844 -September 27 ,1911 ) was a Frenchgeologist . He was born inParis .He became inspector-general of mines, and director of the
Geological Survey of France . He was distinguished for his researches on extrusive rocks, their microscopic structure and origin; and he employed thepolarizing microscope early on for the determination ofmineral s. In his many contributions to scientific journals he described thegranulite group, and dealt withpegmatite s,variolite s,eurite s, theophite s of thePyrenees , the extinctvolcano es of Central France,gneiss es, and the origin of crystallineschist s.He wrote "Structures et classification des roches éruptives" (1889), but his more elaborate studies were carried on with F Fouqué. Together they wrote on the artificial production of
feldspar ,nepheline and other minerals, and also ofmeteorite s, and produced "Minéralogie micrographique" (1879) and "Synthése des minéraux et des roches" (1882). Levy also collaborated with Alfred Lacroix in "Les Minéraux des roches" (1888) and "Tableau des minéraux des roches" (1889).References
External links
* [http://www.modernmicroscopy.com/main.asp?article=15&page=4/ Modern Microscopy] , Michel-Lévy Interference Color Chart
* [http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/java/polarizedlight/michellevy/index.html/ Molecular Expressions Microscopy Primer] , Michel-Lévy Birefringence Chart
* [http://www.microscopyu.com/articles/polarized/michel-levy.html/ Nikon Microscopy U] , Michel-Lévy Birefringence Chart
* [http://www.olympusmicro.com/primer/java/polarizedlight/michellevylarge/index.html/ Olympus Microscopy Resource Center] , Michel-Lévy Birefringence Chart
* [http://www.zeiss.de/C1256D18002CC306/0/F2BA0A81B5929487C1256D59003351AA/$file/46-0014_e.pdf/ Carl Zeiss AG] , Michel-Lévy Color Chart.
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