

Infobox Irish Place
name = Termon
gaeilge = An Tearmann

pin coords = left: 77px; top: 47px
north coord = 55.050941 | west coord = 8.235626 | irish grid = B847228
area = | elevation =
province = Ulster
county = County Donegal
town pop = 308
census yr = 2002
dailconstituency = Donegal South West
stdcode =

Termon (Irish: "An Tearmann", meaning 'place of sanctuary') is an area in the north west of Donegal, in the north of Ireland.

It is situated eight miles from Letterkenny, Donegal's main town and seven from Creeslough. Termon is made up of many townlands including Currin, Doon, Drumlaurgagh, Drumbrick, Drumoughill, Cloncarney, Terhillion, Gortnalaragh, Clonkilly, Knocknabollan, Fawans, Drumdeevin, Drumfin, Barnes, Stragraddy, Ballybuninabber, Letterfad, Goal and Gurtin,Loughaskerry.

There are several hills close to Termon, including Lough Salt (469m), the hills of Barnes-Crockmore (the "Resting Bishop") at 324m, 349m & 307m respectively, and Stragraddy mountain (285m). All the hills offer stunning vistas along Donegal's Atlantic coast line or into the higher mountain country of Muckish (666m) and Errigal (749m). Going out on the main R255 road one could turn for Gartan, birthplace of St.Colmcille (St.Columba) or head to Glenveagh National Park and its beautiful surroundings.

ignificant Roman Catholic sites

Several sites around Termon are significant to the Roman Catholic faith in Donegal.

Doon Well

Doon Well (Tobar an duin) was established by Lector O'Friel sometime around the 1670s. Doon Well's origins are pre-Christian, as evidenced by the following facts:
*A 'togher' (ancient wooden road) runs underneath the bog adjacent to Doon Rock
*Bronze Age artefacts have been found near the well
*The water used in the pagan inauguration ceremony of the O'Donnells would have been carried to the well. Stations and rosary are still 'walked' from St. Columba's chapel to Doon Well on Hogmanay (New Year's eve) and May eve.

Mass Rocks

The Mass Rocks are also known as "Carraig an Aifreann". A path takes you to the Mass Rocks which were used during penal times (1695-1741). There are thought to be several more in the Termon area and were generally in areas were people could meet, practice their faith and post a look out to warn the congregation. Priests usually said mass under pain of death,if they were caught the priest would find himself put into a barrel of nails and thrown of the cliff near Doon rock at 'Binn an Sagairt' or Hill of the PriestThere is also a mass rock in the Terhillion townland of Termon,Terhillion(Tirkillin)means place of little huts or churchyard.The town land of Fawans has a mass rock which is high up in the townland,again lookouts would be posted at vantage points

Doon Rock

Doon Rock (120m approx) is the site where 25 O'Donnells were inaugurated chieftain from Eighneachan 1200 to Niall Garbh 1603. Red Hugh O'Donnell was inaugurated on 3rd May 1592. Cahir Rua O'Dogherty, the last great Gealic chieftain to stand against English oppression was killed in this area 5th July 1608.

t. Columba's Chapel

Termon is served by St. Columba's Chapel (1854-present day). The Parish Priest is Fr. Patrick McHugh.

Ethne's Well

Ethne's Well (Turas an Ri), in the Barnes townland, is named after Columba's mother. Ethne is strongly associated with the area. This holy well had stations performed on 9 June for nine nights.


St.Glassan (Glasny) is a saint of the parish of whom little is known. The Martyrology of Donegal gives his feast day as 1st October. The grave of Father Glassan (Frater Cassians) is thought to be in the Stragraddy townland of Termon.

Local infrastructure

To eat and drink in Termon a menu is provided all day at the Lagoon Bar run by Shiela & John McCafferty. This bar with its shop next door run by Kevin McCafferty is on the main N56 route. Tommy & Trish McLaughlin have the Mountain Bar out in Stragraddy which is popular with locals on a Sunday night.

Termon Gaelic Athletic Association (G.A.A.) based at the Burn Road runs both male and female teams in Gaelic sports in all age categories up to Senior level.

Termon is served well its National school for pupils aged 4/5 to 12 years of age. The old national school (1892) serves as a local nursery.

There is a Top shop Garage on the main N56 road to Letterkenny,serves for petrol,groceries and car maintenance

The OwenCarrow Viaduct Disaster

See Owencarrow Viaduct Disaster.

Neolithic and Historical sites/stones

*Megalithic tomb 1 (Grid.ref C107248) - Barnes townland
*Megalithic tomb 2 (Grid.ref C107219) - Gortnalaragh townland, known locally as Dermot and Groinna, 2 stones visible from the Terhilllion Rd
*Megalithic tomb 3 (Grid Ref C119211) - Drumbrick townland
*Standing Stones 1 (Grid ref C108245) - Barnes townland
*Standing Stones 2 (Grid ref C109241) - Barnes townland (Ogham standing stones) - these are thought to be the original boundaries of 'An Tearmann' denoting sanctuary, as those seeking it were thought to be within the Kilmacrenan Abbey
*Cillin 1 (Grid ref C109240) - Barnes townland
*Cillin 2 (Grid ref C125206) - Clonkilly townland
*Ring Fort (Grid ref C121216) - Drumbrick townland, situated at the top of Drumbrick hill, visible from the Burn road

Rivers and Loughs

*The Lurgy runs through Termon.Irish - An Lorgaigh
*Clonkillymore Lough
*Clonkillybeg Lough
*Doon Lough
*Cloncarney Lough
*Lough Darragh
*Lough Askerry
*Lough Mnafin
*Lough Acrappin - Top of Drumfin
*Lough Acrabane - Barnes Gap


*Daniel Murray
*St Colmcille:Gartan To Iona-In Colmcille's Footsteps
*St Columba's Jubilee booklet 1854-2004
*Ordnance Survey Maps 2 & 6
*Owencarron Viaduct Info From North West Mountaineering Club Journal 50th Anniversary edition/Derry People

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