

:"San Tropez redirects here. For other uses, see Saint-Tropez (disambiguation)"French commune
région=Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
département=Var| arrondissement=Draguignan
insee= 83119 |cp= 83990|maire= Jean-Michel Couve
intercomm= |longitude=6.639621
latitude=43.273296| alt moy= 15 m|alt mini=0 m|alt maxi=113 m

sans= 5,542

Saint-Tropez (Sant Tropetz in occitan language) is a commune of the Var "département" in southern France (Occitania), located on the "French Riviera". Although it is known today for its famous and wealthy guests, its history with the iconic Brigitte Bardot, and its role in the liberation of Southern France in WW2, the village of Saint-Tropez does have a long history.


The towns name derives from that of an early, semi-legendary martyr named Saint Torpes. His legend states that he was beheaded at Pisa during the reign of Nero, and that his body was placed in a rotten boat with a rooster and a dog. The body landed at the present-day location of the town. [] [ [ San Torpete (Torpes, Torpè) ] ] [ [ History of Saint-Tropez ] ]

The captain had the privilege of raising a standing army, which drove away a fleet of Spanish galleons in 1637. "Les Bravades des Espagnols" is a local religious and military celebration commemorating this victory of the Tropezian militia over the Spanish. [ Nicola Williams, Catherine Le Nevez, "Provence and the Cote D' Azur" (Lonely Planet, 2007), 343.]

The area was not taxed or levied by the French government during this time. However, this privilege was abrogated by King Louis XIV, who reasserted French control over the city.

The mission of the Japanese samurai Hasekura Tsunenaga, en route to Rome, visited Saint-Tropez in September 1615, in what is known as the first instance of Franco-Japanese relations.

The father of Pierre André de Suffren de Saint Tropez was "marquis de Saint-Tropez".

In the 1920s Saint-Tropez attracted international stars from the world of fashion.

During World War II, on August 15, 1944, it was the central site of a beach landing in Operation Dragoon, the Allied invasion of southern France. After the war it became the French existentialists' summer retreat.

But it was in the 1950spartly thanks to Brigitte Bardotthat Saint-Tropez received international recognition and exposure through such films as "Le gendarme de Saint-Tropez".


Before 1914 Saint-Tropez was the main commercial port of France. The port was widely used during the 18th century; in 1789, the port was visited by 80 ships. Saint-Tropezs shipyards built tartanes and three-masted ships that carried 1000 to 12200 barels. The town was the site of various associated trades, including fishing, cork, wine, wood. The town had a school of hydrography.

In 1860 the floret of the merchant marine, named "The Queen of the Angels" (a three-masted ship of 740 barrels), visited this port.

Its role as a commercial port declined, and it is now primarily a tourist spot.


One of the main economic resources of Saint-Tropez is tourism.

Musée de l'Annonciade

The Musée de l'Annonciade (Annunciation Museum) was established within the confines of a 16th century chapel. ['azur/entity_56686.html Musee de l'Annonciade Review | Cote d'Azur | Fodor's Travel Guides ] ] The museum features work by artists who painted in Saint-Tropez and its environs, beginning with Paul Signac, but also including Bonnard, Matisse, Marquet, Dufy, Derain, Vlaminck, and Van Dongen. The museum also includes Fauvist work, including Braques "LEstaque".


Each year, in early October, a regatta is held in the bay of Saint-Tropez. This is a draw for many yachts, some up to 50 metres in length. Many tourists come to the location for this event or as a stop on their trip to Cannes, Marseille or Nice.


A ferry boat connection operated by Les Bateaux Verts connects the town with Sainte-Maxime, across the bay.

Another option is to take the train to Saint-Raphaël, Var, and then take a bus around the Golfe de Fréjus [,6.64099&sspn=0.004625,0.008519&ie=UTF8&z=11&ll=43.335667,6.663208&spn=0.295662,0.545197&om=1 (40km or 57 minutes)] to Saint-Tropez.

The bus (lines 100 or 104) stops in Sainte-Maxime, Saint Raphael and Les Arcs. The bus is operated by SodeTrav. [ Bus Website] . The TER train will take you to Saint Raphael or Les Arcs from Cannes.


Tropezien beaches are located along the coast in the Baie de Pampelonne also know by the residents as Grania (pronounced granny-ay), which lies south of Saint-Tropez and east of Ramatuelle. Pampelonne offers a collection of beaches along its five kilometre shore. Each beach is around thirty metres wide with its own beach hut and private or public tanning area.

Many of the beaches offer windsurfing, sailing and canoeing equipment for rent, while others offer motorized water sports, such as power boats, jet bikes and water skiing.

Some of the private beaches are naturist beaches.



* [ Official site of the Hôtel Byblos of Saint-Tropez]
* [ Office of tourism of Saint-Tropez]
* [ St Tropez Web Radio]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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