- Haitian mythology
Haitian Vodou (also known asVoodoo in the United States) is a predominantly African derived belief system. It is a syncretic mixture ofRoman Catholic rituals introduced during the French colonial period, African beliefs, with roots in the Yoruba, Kongo andDahomey mythology , and folkloric influence from the indigenousTaino Amerindians that once populated the island.Pantheon
Adjassou-Linguetor - Haitian loa in the form of spring water (goddess) .
*Adjinakou - Haitian loa in the form of anelephant .
*Adya Houn'tò - Haitianloa of thedrum s.
*Agassou - Haitian loa which guards the Dahomean traditions.
*Agwe - loa offish andaquatic plant s.
*Aido Quedo - loa of fertility andsnake s.
*Ayida-Weddo - Haitian goddess, where she is also known asRainbow Snake . She is married toDamballa .
*Ayizan - Haitian goddess of the marketplace.
*Azaka Medeh - loa of harvest.
*Azaka-Tonnerre - Haitian god of thunder, agriculture and farmers.
*Bacalou - Haitian vodou evil spirit depicted by the skull and crossbones.
*Badessy - Haitian god of the sky.
*Baron Samedi - loa of the dead.
*Boli Shah - Haitian family loa.
*Bossou Ashadeh - Haitian loa, king ofDahomey .
*Boum'ba Maza - Haitian family loa.
*Bugid Y Aiba - Haitian (and Puerto Rican) god of war.
*Captain Debas - Haitian family loa.
*Clermeil - Haitian god of flowing waters.
*Conga - Haitian vodou deity.
*Congo - Haitian vodou deity.
*Damballa - father of the loa and humankind.
*Dan Petro - Haitian god of farmers.
*Dan Wédo - Haitian loa of the king ofFrance .
*Diable Tonnere - Haitian god of thunder.
*Diejuste - Haitian vodou deity.
*Dinclinsin - Haitian vodou deity feared for his severity.
*Eleggua or Eshu - Child trickster deity.
*Erzulie - Haitian vodou goddess of beauty, dancing, flowers, jewels, love and luxury. Married toDamballa ,Agwe andOgoun . She is depicted as a water snake. Also calledMami Wata in African mythology.
*Gran Maître - Haitian creator god.
*Grand Bois - Haitian loa of creation.
*Kalfu - Haitian god of the night, symbolized by themoon . Thought to be very dangerous.
* Lemba - Haitian vodou deity.
* Limba - Haitian loa believed to live among rocks. Thought to have insatiable hunger and eats people, even his own followers.
*L'inglesou - Haitian loa which lives among rocks and in ravines.
*Loco - Haitian god of trees, plants and healers.
*Lutin - The ghost of an unbaptized child in Haitian vodou tradition.
*Mademoiselle Charlotte - Haitian loa who resembles Caucasian women.
*Mait' Carrefour - Haitian god of magicians and lord of the crossroads, also calledKalfu .
*Maîtresse Délai - Haitian loa who is a patron of the hountor or tambourine player.
*Maîtresse Hounon'gon - Haitian loa which chants the canzo or ordeal by fire in vodou tradition.
*Maman Brigitte - Vodou death loa.
*Marassa - The twin gods of Haitian vodou.
*Marassa Jumeaux - The ghosts of dead twins in Haitian vodou tradition.
*Marinette - Haitian loa, violent and powerful.
*Mambo - Haitian loa who brings storms.
*Mounanchou - Haitian vodou deity.
*Nago Shango - Haitian vodou deity.
*Obatala - yoruba creator god.
*Ogoun - Haitian vodou god of fire, iron, politics, thunder and war.
*Oloddumare - youruba creator god.
*Oshun - yoruba goddess of love, alsoErzulie (in Vodou).
*Oya - yoruba warrior goddess.
*Papa Legba - intermediary between the loa and humanity.
*Pie - Haitian god of floods, soldier loa.
*Simbi - Haitian water snake loa, which is one of the three vodou cosmic serpents.
* Sobo - Haitian god of thunder.
*Sousson-Pannan - Haitian loa thought to be evil and ugly, with a body covered in sores.
*Ti Jean Quinto - A mean Haitian spirit which lives under bridges and assumes the form of apoliceman .
*Ti Malice - Haitian trickster loa.
*Ti-Jean Petro - Haitian snake deity and the son ofDan Petro .
*Yemalla - Yoruba mother goddess, also called LaSiren,Mami Wata Related notions
Asagwe - Haitian vodou dancing used to honor the gods.
*Avalou - Haitian vodou dance which means supplication.
*Coco macaque - Haitian vodou implement. It is a stick, which is supposed to be able to walk on its own. The owner of a coco macaque can send it on errands. If it is used to hit an enemy, the enemy will die before the dawn.
*Gangan - Haitian vodou shaman.
*Ghede - family of spirits related to death and fertility
*Guinee - Haitian afterlife. It is also where life began and the home of their gods.
*Hungan - Haitian priests. They lead the peoples in dancing, drumming and singing to invoke the loa.
*Loa - Haitian god or goddess.
*Mambo - Haitian priestess who, together with the Hungan, leads the vodou rituals and invokes the loa.
*Paket kongo - charms made of organic matter wrapped in cloth, intended to rouse the loa.
*Petro - aggressive and warlike family of spirits
*Rada - old, benefic family of spirits
*Ville au Camp - The underwater capital of the loa.External links
* [http://www.webster.edu/~corbetre/haiti/voodoo/biglist.htm List of Voodoo loa]
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