ISO/TC 215

ISO/TC 215

The ISO/TC 215 is the International Organization for Standardization's (ISO) Technical Committee (TC) on health informatics. TC 215 works on the standardization of Health Information and Communications Technology (ICT), to allow for compatibility and interoperability between independent systems.

Working Groups

ISO TC 215 consists of several Working Groups (WG), each dealing with an aspect of Electronic Health Records (EHR).
* WG 1: Data structure
* WG 2: Messaging and communications
* WG 3: Health Concept Representation
* WG 4: Security
* WG 5: Health Cards
* WG 6: Pharmacy and Medication
* WG 7: Devices
* WG 8: Business requirements for Electronic Health Records


Within the famework of ISO/TC 215, several standards have been created:
* ISO/TS 17090-1:2002 Public key infrastructure - Part 1: Framework and overview
* ISO/TS 17090-2:2002 Public key infrastructure - Part 2: Certificate profile
* ISO/TS 17090-3:2002 Public key infrastructure - Part 3: Policy management of certification authority
* ISO 18104:2003 Integration of a reference terminology model for nursing
* ISO/TS 18308:2004 Requirements for an electronic health record architecture
* ISO/TR 16056-1:2004 Health informatics – Interoperability of telehealth systems and networks -- Part 1: Introduction and definitions
* ISO/TR 16056-2:2004 Health informatics – Interoperability of telehealth systems and networks -- Part 2: Real-time systems
* ISO/TS 16058:2004 Health informatics -- Interoperability of telelearning systems

ee also

* Medical record
* Electronic medical record
* International Medical Informatics Association
* Canada Health Infoway
* European Institute for Health Records
* National Resource Center for Health Information Technology
* CEN/TC 251 (European Union)

External links

* [ ISO/TC 215]
* [ ISO/TC 215]

* ISO/TC 215 is a member of the [ Joint Initiative on SDO Global Health Informatics Standardization]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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