- List of programmes broadcast by MTV in Asia
These are the Programmes that had been shown in
MTV &VH1 in South-east Asia, some of the programs that had been listed was shown on different MTV & VH1 stations, particularly in MTV Philippines, MTV Indonesia,VH1 Indonesia, MTV Thailand, MTV India, MTV Pakistan, MTV Korea and MTV Japan.
* 5 Things You Need to Know About...
* 5taku Mansion - Only in MTV Korea
*8th & Ocean A
* Advance Warning
*Aeon Flux
* After Hours - Only In MTV Philippines
* All Things Rock - Only In MTV PhilippinesB
* Barrio 19 - Only in MTV Korea
*Battle for Ozzfest
* Be Seen @ MTV - Only in MTV Philippines
*Beavis and Butthead
* Big Bang - Only in MTV Korea
*Boiling Points
*Boiling Points (Malaysian Edition)
*Bujang - Only in MTV Indonesia
*Burned C
Celebrity Deathmatch
* Call to Greatness
* Chart Attack
* Classic MTV
* Colt 45 Rockista - Only on MTV Philippines
* Countdown Express - Only in MTV Korea
* Crank YankersD
* Dance Life - Only on MTV Korea
* Date N Style - Only in MTV Indonesia
* Diary
* Double Trouble
* D-Tour
* Do it - Only in MTV IndonesiaE
* Essential VH1 - Only on MTV Philippines
* Fabulous Life
*Faking the Video
* Famous Face - Only on MTV Korea
* Favourite Top 10 - Only in MTV Indonesia
* Final FU
*Footballer's Cribs
* Fraternity LifeG
* Get Hitch'd
* Getar Cinta - Only in MTV Indonesia
* Girls on the Top - Only in MTV Korea
* Girls Meet Beauty - Only in MTV Korea
* Global Room - Only in MTV Indonesia
* Globally Dismissed
* Gimme 10 - Only in MTV Philippines
* Gotik - Only in MTV IndonesiaH
Happy Tree Friends
* High School Stories
* Hip-Hop Countdown
* House of MTV - Only in MTV PhilippinesI
I Bet You Will
*I Want a Famous Face
* Iced Out - Only on MTV Philippines
* Indonesia Super Bands - Only in MTV Indonesia
* Indo Klasik - Only in MTV Indonesia
* It's My LifeJ
* Jackass
* Late Night On MTV - Only in MTV Pakistan
* Live Wow Special - Only in MTV Korea
* Lokal Abbies - Only in MTV IndonesiaM
* M Chat - Only in MTV Japan
* Musik Gue Pilihan Gue - Only in MTV Indonesia
* M Size - Only in MTV Japan
*Making The Band
* Making The Movie - Only in MTV Korea
*Making The Video
* Massive - Only in MTV Philippines
*Meet the Barkers
* Midweek Madness - Only in MTV Indonesia
* Mobbed
* Morning TV
* MTV 1-2-3 (Indian Chart Show) - Only in MTV India
* MTV 1-4-3 - Only in MTV Philippines
* MTV 100% Indonesia - Only in MTV Indonesia
* MTV A.M. - Only in MTV Thailand
* MTV After Hours - Only in MTV Japan
* MTV After School - Only in MTV Thailand
* MTV Afternoon Tune - Only in MTV Japan
* MTV Alternative Nation
* MTV Amplified - Only in MTV Southeast Asia
* MTV Ampuh - Only in MTV Indonesia
* MTV Arena - Only in MTV Philippines
*MTV Asia Hitlist
* MTV Asian Delight - Only in MTV Thailand
* MTV Ask
* MTV Awami - Only in MTV Pakistan
* MTV B Live - Only in MTV Thailand
* MTV Baap of Bakra - Only in MTV India
* MTV Bangkok Jam - Only on MTV Thailand
* MTV Barrio 19
* MTV Base Only in MTV Korea
* MTV Be Ready - Only on MTV Thailand
* MTV Big Guns - Only in MTV Pakistan
* MTV Big Picture - Only in MTV India
* MTV Biorhythm
* MTV Bling - Only in MTV Philippines
* MTV Blog - Only in MTV Thailand
* MTV Brand New
* MTV Breakfast Club - Only in MTV Korea
* MTV Buzz - Only in MTV Thailand
* MTV Celebrity Spin - Only in MTV Philippines
* MTV Kopi - Only in MTV South East Asia
* MTV Swag - Only in MTV South East Asia
* MTV Chart - Only in MTV Thailand
* MTV Chillout - Only in MTV Thailand
* MTV Chillout (India) - Only in MTV India
* MTV Classic Series - Only in MTV Japan
* MTV Connect - Only in MTV Southeast Asia
*MTV Cribs
* MTV Cut 2 Cut - Only in MTV India
* MTV Debut - Only in MTV Thailand
* MTV Diyes - Only on MTV Philippines
* MTV Espresso - Only in MTV Korea
* MTV Eye Candy - Only in MTV Korea
* MTV Fanatic
* MTV Fast Forward - Only in MTV Thailand
* MTV Feel the Music - Only in MTV Southeast Asia
* MTV Fresh - Only in MTV Southeast Asia and MTV Japan
* MTV Game Pad
* MTV Get Spoted - Only on MTV Philippines
* MTV Global Room - Only in MTV Indonesia
* MTV Gokil Only on MTV Indonesia
* MTV Gotcha
* MTV Grind
* MTV Gress - Only in MTV Indonesia
* MTV Handpicked
* MTV Hanging Out
* MTV Harana - Only in MTV Philippines
* MTV Homecoming - Only in MTV Philippines
* MTV Hot - Only in MTV Indonesia
* MTV Hot Picks - Only in MTV Japan
* MTV Housefull - Only in MTV India
* MTV Hoopla - Only in MTV Philippines
* MTV International Top 40 Countdown - Only in MTV Japan
* MTV Is Cool - Only in MTV Pakistan
* MTV Jams - Only in MTV Southeast Asia
* MTV Jukebox - Only in MTV Philippines
* MTV Jumpstart - Only in MTV Philippines
* MTV Jus - Only in MTV Southeast Asia & Malaysia
* MTV Kickass Mornings - Only in MTV India
* MTV Korea Top 5 - Only in MTV Japan & Korea
* MTV KYA BAAT HAI - Only in MTV India
* MTV Land - Only in MTV Indonesia
*MTV Live
* MTV Lokal - Only in MTV Philippines
* MTV Lost in Translation - Only in MTV India
* MTV Loveline - Only in MTV Philippines
* MTV Make Over - Only in MTV Indonesia
* MTV Mix - Only in MTV Indonesia
* MTV Morning Tune - Only in MTV Japan
* MTV MotoAlert
* MTV Movie Soundtrack - Only in MTV Indonesia
* MTV Musik Banget - Only in MTV Indonesia
* MTV Music Remedy - Only in MTV South East Asia
* MTV Made
* MTV Mobbed - Only in MTV Southeast Asia
* MTV Morning Hot Picks - Only in MTV Japan
* MTV Most Wanted - Only in MTV Southeast Asia
* MTV Mush - Only in MTV Philippines
*MTV News
* MTV Nights
* MTV On The Rock - Only in MTV Thailand
* MTV Partyzone
* MTV PeeP - Only here in MTV Japan
* MTV Pop Inc - Only in MTV Southeast Asia
* MTV Pop 10 - Only in MTV Southeast Asia
* MTV Pop 20 - Only in MTV Southeast Asia
*MTV Presents
* MTV Requested with Wiqar Ali Khan - Only in MTV Pakistan
* MTV Reverb - Only in MTV Asia
* MTV Rocks - Only in MTV Pakistan
* MTV Rock It
* MTV Rock'd
*MTV Roadies - In India
*MTV School Attack - Only in MTV Korea
* MTV Screen
* MTV Sessions
* MTV Siesta - Only in MTV Philippines
* MTV Slightly Off - Only in MTV Pakistan
* MTV Sound Check - Only in MTV India
* MTV Spankin' New - Only in MTV Southeast Asia
* MTV Special - Only in MTV Southeast Asia
* MTV Spinn - Only in MTV Thailand
* MTV Sunny Side - Only in MTV Korea
* MTV Sunrise Tune - Only in MTV Japan
* MTV Sunset Tune - Only in MTV Japan
* MTV Super Select - Only in MTV India
* MTV Style Check - Only in MTV India
* MTV Supahstar - Only in MTV Philippines
* MTV Tech Check - Only in MTV India
* MTV Thailand Hitlist - Only in MTV Thailand
* MTV The Cream - Only in MTV Thailand
* MTV The Games - Only in MTV Southeast Asia
* MTV Top Choice - Only in MTV Korea
* MTV Top 10 with Wiqar - Only in MTV Pakistan
* MTV Twisted
* MTV U Made - Only in MTV Thailand
* MTV U-Break - Only in MTV Philippines
* MTV Ultrasound
* MTV Ultimate - Only in MTV Korea
* MTV Upgraded
* MTV Urban Beats
* MTV Videosomnia
* MTV Whatever Things
* MTV Wanna Be - Only in MTV Pakistan
* MTV World Chart Express - Only in MTV India
* MTV Wonder Girls - Only in MTV Korea
* MTV Wow - Only in MTV Indonesia
* My Dream D8
*My Own
*My Super Sweet 16
* MTV Zipper - Only in MTV Indonesia
* MTV Morning Greeting - Only in MTV Indonesia
* MTV Monday Soundsation - Only in MTV Indonesia
* MTV Music Revolution - Only in MTV South East Asia
* MTV Morning Show - Only in MTV IndonesiaN
* Ngedate-in Bonyok - Only in MTV Indonesia
* Nongkrong Bareng - Only in MTV Indonesia
* Non Stop Hits Lokal - Only in MTV Indonesia
* Non Stop Hits Dangdut & Hindies - Only in MTV Indonesia
* Ngibul - Only in MTV IndonesiaO
One Bad Trip P
* Para Bos! - Only in MTV Philippines
*Pimp My Ride
*Pimp My Ride International
* Pimp My Car - Only in MTV Indonesia
* Pop Style - Only in MTV IndonesiaR
Real World
* Retrosexual - Only on MTV Korea
* Rex in the City
*Rich Girls
*Road Rules
* Robo Robo Popcorn - Only in MTV Korea
* Rockola - Only in MTV Philippines
*Room Raiders
* Rouge
* Roll Out - Only In MTV Philippines
* Rumah Gue - Only In MTV Indonesia* Salam Dangdut - Only in MTV Indonesia
* Score
* Singled Out
* Style Guru - Only in MTV Pakistan
* Strictly Confidential - Only in MTV Pakistan
* Sorority Life
* Subterranean - Only In MTV PhilippinesT
* Taildaters
* Tamu Istimewa - Only in MTV Indonesia
* Tempura - Only in MTV Japan
* The 70's House
*The Andy Milonakis Show
*The Ashlee Simpson Show
*The Assistant
*The Fabulous Life (VH1)
* The Hills
* The Mission - Only in MTV Indonesia
*The Playlist - Only in MTV Philippines
*The Tom Green Show
* The Wade Robson Project
* 'Till Death Do Us Par
* Tong Hits - Only in MTV Philippines
* Trick it Out - Only in MTV Philippines
* Top Hits - Only in MTV Indonesia
* Total Request - Only in MTV IndonesiaV
* VH1 All Access
* VH1 Video Collection
* VH1 Driven
* VH1 Motormouth
* VH1 Behind The Music
* VH1 Hogan Known Best
* VH1 From Flab to Fab
*Viva la Bam
* VH1 Best Mix - Only in VH1 Indonesia
* VH1 Greatest Love Song - Only in VH1 Indonesia
* VH1 Time Machine - Only in VH1 Indonesia
* VH1 Absolute Divas - Only in VH1 Indonesia
* VH1 Dance Floor - Only in VH1 Indonesia
* VH1 Rock - Only in VH1 Indonesia
* VH1 Legendarry Albums - Only in VH1 Indonesia
* VH1 Top 10 Classics - Only in VH1 Indonesia
* VH1 Sound Of 80'S 90's - Only in VH1 Indonesia
* VH1 After 2000 - Only in VH1 Indonesia
* VH1 Favorit - Only in VH1 Indonesia
* VH1 Band It Like - Only in VH1 Indonesia
* VH1 Movie Collector - Only in VH1 Indonesia
* VH1 Zodiac - Only in VH1 Indonesia
* VH1 Down Tempo - Only in VH1 Thailand
* VH1 Upbeat - Only in VH1 Thailand
* VH1 Hit Factory - Only in VH1 ThailandW
* Wake Up MTV! - Only in MTV Japan
*Wanna Come In?
* Weekend - Only in MTV Indonesia
* Weekend Break - Only in MTV Thailand
* Whats Up - Only in MTV Indonesia
*Where My Dogs At?
*Why Can't I Be You?
* Wiqar is MTV Style Guru - Only in MTV Pakistan
* Wake Up Call - Only in MTV IndonesiaY
* 'Yo Momma
* YTN Starnews - Only in MTV KoreaReferences
* [http://www.mtv.co.kr/schedule/schedule_day.php MTV Korea Schedule] ko icon
* [http://www.mtvthailand.com/Onair/schedule.php MTV Thailand Schedule]
* [http://www.mtvphil.com/program_grid.php MTV Philippines Schedule]
* [http://www.mtvasia.com/Onair/schedule.php MTV Southeast Asia Schedule]
* [http://www.mtvasia.com/Onair/schedule.php?gr=Indonesia MTV Indonesia Schedule]
* [http://www.mtvindia.com/mtv/mymtv/schedules/ MTV India Schedule]
* [http://www.mtvpakistan.com/ MTV Pakistan Schedule Icon]
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