Subspace theorem

Subspace theorem

In mathematics, the subspace theorem is a result obtained by Wolfgang M. Schmidt in 1972. [Schmidt, Wolfgang M. "Norm form equations." Ann. of Math. (2) 96 (1972), pp. 526-551] It states that if "L"1,...,"L""n" are linearly independent linear forms in "n" variables with algebraic coefficients and if &epsilon;>0 is any given real number, thenthe non-zero integer points "x" with:|L_1(x)cdots L_n(x)|<|x|^{-epsilon}lie in a finite number of proper subspaces of Q"n".

Schmidt's subspace theorem was generalised in by Schlickewei (1977) to allow more general absolute values.

A corollary on Diophantine approximation

The following corollary to the subspace theorem is often itself referred to as the "subspace theorem".If "a"1,...,"a""n" are algebraic such that 1,"a"1,...,"a""n" are linearly independent over Q and &epsilon;>0 is any given real number, then there are only finitely many rational "n"-tuples ("x"1/y,...,"x""n"/y) with:|a_i-x_i/y|

The specialization "n" = 1 gives the Thue–Siegel–Roth theorem. One may also note that the exponent 1+1/"n"+&epsilon; is best possible by Dirichlet's theorem on diophantine approximation.


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