- Annette Island
Annette Island is an island in
Gravina Islands of theAlexander Archipelago of thePacific Ocean on the southeastern coast of theU.S. state ofAlaska . It is at coord|55|08|N|131|27|W|. It is about 18 km (12 miles) long and about 18 km (12 miles) wide. The land area is 332.573 km² (128.407 sq mi). Annette Island is located across theRevillagigedo Channel from the Alaska mainland on the east and across fromRevillagigedo Island on the north.Metlakatla is a native Community founded by the Anglican missionary William Duncan. The island is composed mainly of Tsimshian Natives and is a cultural crossroads for Tlingit and Haida Natives as well. The largest settlement on the island is Metlakatla. The entire island is a
Native reservation , the only one in Alaska. The island's population was 1,447 at the 2000 census.Since 1997,
Alaska Command (ALCOM) has sponsored an Innovative Readiness Training (IRT) project on Annette Island. TheJoint Forces Engineer Component Command , an organization organized by theMissouri Army National Guard and under the command and control of [(ALCOM) is building a road from the part of the island closest toKetchikan to Metlakatla, which is on the far side of the island away from the more populated islands and land inAlaska . This project will improve quality of life for the Metlakatla Indian Community by providing a safe, convenient, and efficient transportation link between the Metlakatla and Ketchikan road systems. The military end state is to provide the Federal Highway Administration a road to DoD main supply route standards. In the process, valid, joint training for all participating units is achieved. [ [http://www.elmendorf.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=5543] Fact Sheet: Operation Alaskan Road:Joint Task Force Alaskan Road. Retrieved on February 6, 2008.]The core
JFECC team typically spends from October through April of each year inMissouri developing construction plans for the following summer construction season. BothALCOM and theMissouri National Guard provide leadership and support to theJFECC staff. All of theArmed Forces of the United States , including the Active and Reserve Components of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines have participated.JFECC 's IRT mission is to develop a road to military specifications and Metlakatla will hire civilians to bring it to commercial standards later. [ [http://www.elmendorf.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=5543] Fact Sheet: Operation Alaskan Road:Joint Task Force Alaskan Road. Retrieved on February 6, 2008.]References
* [http://factfinder.census.gov/servlet/DTTable?_bm=y&-context=dt&-ds_name=DEC_2000_SF1_U&-CONTEXT=dt&-mt_name=DEC_2000_SF1_U_P001&-tree_id=4001&-redoLog=true&-transpose=N&-all_geo_types=N&-_caller=geoselect&-geo_id=100$10000US022010004003004&-geo_id=100$10000US022010004003005&-geo_id=100$10000US022010004003006&-geo_id=100$10000US022010004003007&-geo_id=100$10000US022010004003008&-geo_id=100$10000US022010004003009&-geo_id=100$10000US022010004003010&-geo_id=100$10000US022010004003011&-geo_id=100$10000US022010004003012&-geo_id=100$10000US022010004003013&-geo_id=15000US022010004001&-geo_id=15000US022010004002&-search_results=15000US022010004003&-format=&-_lang=en&-show_geoid=Y Annette Island: Block Groups 1 and 2 and Blocks 3004 thru 3013, Block Group 3, Census Tract 4, Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Census Area, Alaska] United States Census Bureau
* [http://www.elmendorf.af.mil/alcom/alaskanroad/index.asp] Operation Alaskan Road
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.