William Rogers

William Rogers

There are several men named William Rogers (and similar spellings), among them:
*William P. Rogers, U.S. Attorney General under Dwight Eisenhower and Secretary of State under Richard Nixon
*Will Rogers, "Cherokee Kid" cowboy, and humorist
*Will Rogers, Jr. (William Vann Rogers, Jr.), congressman from California from 1943 to 1944 and the son of the noted humorist by the same name
*Will Rogers (politician), congressman from Oklahoma, 1933–1942
*William C. Rogers III, commander of the USS "Vincennes" when it shot down Iran Air Flight 655
*William C. Rodgers, activist and founder of the Catalyst Infoshop in Prescott, Arizona
*William Barton Rogers, founder of MIT
*William D. Rogers, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs and subsequently Undersecretary of State for Economic Affairs under Gerald Ford
*William Findlay Rogers, congressman from New York, 1883–1884
*William H. Rogers, English architect
*William J. Rogers, Jr., author of Hilltown in 2007
*William Nathaniel Rogers, congressman from New Hampshire, 1923–1924 and 1931–1936
*Buck Rogers (William "Buck" Rogers), science-fiction character
*Bill Rodgers (politician), British politician, former member of parliament and cabinet minister
*Bill Rogers (golfer), golfer
*Bill Rogers (voice actor), New York-based voice actor who works with DuArt Film and Video
*Bill Rogers (ophthalmologist), 1954-, renowned eye surgeon and golfer
*Bill Rogers (orchestrator, bass trombonist) (1938-2005), orchestrator for Frank Sinatra after the death of Nelson Riddle; orchestrator for Jerry Lewis, Carl Fontana and Dana Rogers

Several places and things are named Will Rogers, including:
* USS "Will Rogers" (SSBN-659), a nuclear submarine
* Will Rogers State Historic Park, in Los Angeles
* Will Rogers World Airport, in Oklahoma

ee also

*Bill Rodgers (disambiguation) (includes William)

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  • William Nathaniel Rogers — (* 10. Januar 1892 in Sanbornville, Carroll County, New Hampshire; † 25. September 1945 in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire) war ein US amerikanischer Politiker. Zwischen 1923 und 1925 und nochmals von 1932 bis 1937 vertrat er den Bundesstaat New… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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