- Pascal Lainé
Pascal Lainé is a French writer born in 1942 in Anet (Eure-et-Loir).
He studied philosophy at l'École normale supérieure de Saint-Cloud and began his career as a teacher first at the [http://copainsdavant.linternaute.com/etablissement/446644/1/lycee_technique/ Lycée technique de Saint-Quentin] and later at the
Lycée Louis-le-Grand in Paris. He then became a professor in 1974 at the Institut universitaire de technologie in Villetaneuse. He currently serves as an administrator at the [http://www.sacd.fr/ Société des auteurs et compositeurs dramatiques (SACD)] .Awarded both the
Prix Médicis (1971 for "l'Irrévolution") and theGoncourt (1974 for "La Dentellière "), Pascal Lainé has published over twenty novels and has written for television, theater and film.Lainé discovered Dumas and Hugo as he recovered from childhood illnesses and he aspired to that kind of voluminous writing. But he focused on philosophy and history in school, becoming an avid student of
Kant ,Merleau-Ponty andHeidegger . He was also drawn to Marxism (both by conviction and a desire to rile his parents) and he chose Russian as his second foreign language, permitting him to readChekhov andDostoyevsky in the original.With
Rimbaud , he discovered the "fireworks" of poetry, and in Mallarmé he discovered the pleasure of deciphering a text and studying its structure. He is also fascinated byWitold Gombrowicz : "I felt with this joker, this aristocraticRabelais an instant kinship. He taught me that a writer gives up his homeland and is always a foreigner wherever he finds himself."Bibliography
* "B comme Barrabas" ( Gallimard -
1967 )
* "L'Irrévolution" (roman, Gallimard, Prix Médicis -1971 )
* "La Dentellière" (roman, Gallimard, rééd. Folio- Prix Goncourt -1974 )
* "Si on partait" (roman, Gallimard,1978 rééd. L'Arganier2006 )
* "L'Eau du miroir" (roman, Mercure de France1979 )
* "Tendres cousines" (roman,Gallimard, rééd. Folio1979 )
* "Terres des ombres" (roman,Gallimard,1982 )
* "Les Petites Egarées" (roman,1988 )
* "Dialogues du désir" (roman,1992 )
* "L'Incertaine" (roman,1993 )
* "Le Commerce des apparences" (roman,1997 )
* "Derniers jours avant fermeture" (roman,2001 )
* "Capitaine Bringuier" (Théâtre)
* "Monsieur vous oubliez votre cadavre"
* "Le mystère de la Tour Eiffel" (roman,2005 )
* "Un clou chasse l'autre ou La vie d'artiste" (essai, Punctum editions2006 )
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