

The Afrobarometer is a research project that measures public attitudes on economic, political, and social matters in sub-Saharan Africa. [cite book |last=Bratton |first=Michael |coauthors=Robert Brattes |editor=E. Gyimah-Boadi |title=Democratic Reform in Africa: The Quality of Progress |url=,M1 |accessdate=2007-05-10 |year=2004 |publisher=Lynne Rienner Publishers |location=Boulder, CO |isbn=978-15-8826-246-2 |pages=65 |chapter=What 'The People' Say About Reforms |quote=... a large-scale, cross-national survey research project (the Afrobarometer) which is designed to systematically map mass attitudes toward democracy, markets, and civil society ...] [cite book |last=Bratton |first=Michael |coauthors=Robert Mattes; and E. Gyimah-Boadi |title=Public Opinion, Democracy, and Market Reform in Africa |url=,M1 |accessdate=2007-05-10 |year=2004 |publisher=Cambridge University Press |location=Cambridge, UK |isbn=978-05-2160-291-4 |pages=53 |quote=The Afrobarometer is a comparative series of national mass attitude surveys on democracy, markets, and civil society.] It is carried out through a partnership of the Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA), the Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana), and the Department of Political Science at Michigan State University. [cite book |last=Lewis |first=Peter M. |coauthors=Michael Bratton |editor=Lucie Colvin Phillips and Diery Seck |title=Fixing African Economies: Policy Research for Development |url=,M1 |accessdate=2007-05-10 |year=2004 |publisher=Lynne Rienner Publishers |location=Boulder, CO |isbn=15-8826-148-4 |pages=93 |chapter=Nigeria: Understanding Attitudes Toward Democracy and Markets] [cite book |last=Bratton |first=Michael |coauthors=Robert Mattes |editor=Mats Lundahl |title=Globalization and the Southern African Economies |url=,M1 |accessdate=2007-05-10 |year=2004 |publisher=Elanders Infologistics Väst |location=Sweden |isbn=978-91-7106-532-2 |pages=88 |chapter=Support for Economic Reform? Popular Attitudes in South Africa]

Afrobarometer results are based on face-to-face and house-to-house [cite news |first=Craig |last=Timberg |title=Support for Democracy Seen Falling in Africa |url= |publisher=The Washington Post |page=A26 |date=2006-05-25 |accessdate=2007-05-10] interviews of individuals and are considered reliable and generalizable. [Bratton, Mattes, and Gyimah-Boadi (2004), 54. “Data are gathered ... by teams of trained interviewers ... . Special care is taken to ensure the accurate and equivalent translation of concepts into local languages and to control the quality of data collected in the field. ... Afrobarometer results can be generalized to national populations within known levels of sampling error.”] As of October 19, 2006, Afrobarometer data and publications had been cited 216 times. [cite paper |author=Michigan State University |title=Bibliography of Scholarly & Scientific Citations to the Afrobarometer |publisher=Afrobarometer |date=2006-12-07 |url= |format=PDF |accessdate=2007-05-10]

urvey countries

thumb|right|Afrobarometer survey countries">legend|#9ACD32|Surveyed in Round 4 only

As of January 2008, the project had conducted three main rounds of surveys, covering a total of 18 African countries, as well as a number of individual surveys. [cite web |url= |title=Afrobarometer Surveys |accessdate=2007-05-10 |publisher=Afrobarometer]

Round 1 surveys were conducted from July 1999 through June 2001 in 12 countries: BWA, GHA, LSO, MWI, MLI, NAM, NGA, ZAF, TZA, UGA, ZMB, and ZWE.

Round 2 surveys were carried out from May 2002 through October 2003 in 15 countries: the Round 1 countries (except Zimbabwe, which was surveyed in 2004) and CPV, KEN, MOZ, and SEN.

Round 3 surveys were conducted from March 2005 through February 2006 in 18 countries: the Round 1 and Round 2 countries and BEN and MDG.

Round 4 surveys are planned to take place from February to December 2008 in 20 countries: the Round 3 countries and BFA and LBR.

See also

*Economy of Africa


External links

* [ Afrobarometer homepage]
* [ Ghana CDD homepage]
* [ IDASA homepage]
* [ MSU Department of Political Science homepage]

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