AST is a three-letter abbreviation that stands for a number of different things.

;In science and technology
* Aspartate transaminase, an enzyme associated with liver parenchymal cells
* Abstract syntax tree, a finite, labeled, directed tree used in computer science
* Asynchronous System Traps, a mechanism used in several computer operating systems
* Andrew S. Tanenbaum, a computer scientist (often uses this acronym as his identifier)
* Above-ground Storage Tank, a tank used to store liquid products (usually fuel) above the ground

;In maths
* Alternating series test, a method used to prove that infinite series of terms converge
* Alternative set theory, an alternative mathematical approach to the concept of set

;Organisations and companies
*Allied Security Trust, a patent holding company
* AST Research, Inc., a defunct personal computer manufacturer
* Association for Software Testing, a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing software testing
* AST Sports Science, Inc. , a leading sports nutrition research and development company#

* Air Service Training Ltd, a company formed by J D Siddeley in 1931 for the training of pilots and engineers, still trading today based in Perth, Scotland []

;In education
* ACT Scaling Test, a series of aptitude tests taken by Year 12 students in ACT, Australia
* Alpha Sigma Tau, a national collegiate sorority of the United States
* Atlantic School of Theology, a ecumenical university in Atlantic Canada
* Conroe ISD Academy of Science and Technology, a specialized magnet school of science and technology in Conroe, Texas
* Avalanche Skills Training, a standardized form of avalanche training in Canada
*American School of Tegucigalpa

;In politics and government
* Office of Commercial Space Transportation, a branch of the US Federal Aviation Administration
* Aviation Survival Technician, the US Coast Guard's airborne "rescue swimmers"
* Alaska State Troopers, the state police force for the State of Alaska
* Action Sociale Tchadienne, a defunct Chadian political party

;In transport
* Astoria Regional Airport, a public airport of Clatsop County, Oregon, USA (FAA Identifier: AST)
* Aston railway station, a railway station in Aston in Birmingham, England (National Rail code: AST)

;Time zones
* Atlantic Standard TimeUTC-4
* Alaska Standard TimeUTC-9
* Arabia Standard TimeUTC+3

;Other uses
* Assured shorthold tenancy, a form of Assured tenancy with limited security of tenure
* Asturian language, a Romance language spoken in Asturias, Spain (ISO 639 alpha-3, ast)

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