Madhva — ou Madhvācārya (1238 1317) est un philosophe hindou, fondateur du système philosophique du Dvaita qui est une des trois principales écoles du Vedānta[1]. Celle ci appartient à la tradition philosophique āstika qui reconnaît l autorité des… … Wikipédia en Français
MADHVA — (1238 1317) Penseur hindou dont le nom reste attaché à une tentative pour instaurer une philosophie qui, tout en restant fidèle aux principes du ved nta, permette le plein exercice de la dévotion. L’une des propositions majeures du ved nta étant… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Madhva — ▪ Hindu philosopher also called Ānandatīrtha, or Pūrṇaprajña born c. 1199, , Kalyānpur, near Udipi, Karnataka, India died c. 1278, , Udipi Hindu philosopher, exponent of Dvaita (q.v.; dualism, or belief in a basic difference in kind… … Universalium
Madhva — (c. 1197 to 1276 C.E.) Vedanta philosopher Madhva was a brilliant, prolific scholar of VEDANTA who developed his own DVAITA or dual ist philosophy. Madhva was born near Udipi in Karnataka in a village called Rajapitha, which may be the… … Encyclopedia of Hinduism
Madhva — Para el religioso advaita Madhava Acharia, vea Madhava Vidyaranya. Madhua Acharia (1238 1317) fue el fundador de una doctrina vishnuísta en el sur de la India. Se puede ver escrito de varias maneras: Madhwacharya (transliteración inglesa, la más… … Wikipedia Español
Madhva Kanva Mutt — Introduction Shri Madhva Kanva Mutt is on of the 24 mutts of the Madhva Sampradaya and is headquartered in Hunasihole, Surapura Taluk, Gulbarga District, Karnataka. Shri Madhva Kanva Mutt was started specifically for Sukla Yajurveda students.… … Wikipedia
Madhva — Mạdhva, auch Anandatirtha, indischer Philosoph, * Kalyanpur (bei Udipi) um 1199, ✝ Udipi (Karnataka) um 1278; begründete die dualistische Philosophie des Dvaita Vedanta mit der Lehre, dass die Einzelseelen und die Materie wesentlich von Gott… … Universal-Lexikon
MADHVA — (1197 1276) Indian philosopher and chief exponent of the Dvaita school of VEDNTA DUALISM. Stories about his life involving MIRACLES appear to reflect the influence of the CHRISTIAN Gospel. His followers regarded him as the true mediator… … Concise dictionary of Religion
madhva — मध्व … Indonesian dictionary
mādhva — माध्व … Indonesian dictionary