

Shundi is a fictional kingdom depicted in Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne, a film directed by Satyajit Ray based on a short story penned by his grandfather Upendrakishore Ray.

It is very resourceful, and the good king (King of Shundi) kept the citizens happy and content. Ten years before the coming of Goopy and Bagha when the king was away for pilgrimage an epidemic caused the people to lose their speech leaving only the king and his family to be able to talk until the magical potion made by Barfi restored the power of speech once again.

Shundi was threatned of an attack by the hostile neighbour King of Halla. They were only saved by the magical powers of Goopy and Bagha who in turn were married to the princesses of the respective kingdoms of Shundi and Halla. Where they will live until they decide to visit the kingdom of Hirak.

hundi in other films

In another film, "Jajantaram Mamantaram" (2003), directed by Saumitra Ranade, Shundi is depicted as a remote island whose residents are one-tenth in size in comparison to the normal human beings. Aditya, a resident of Mumbai reached there after a boat capsize and killed a demon, Jhamunda in order to save the residents of Shundi from him.

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