Edmond Noel

Edmond Noel

Infobox Governor
name= Edmond Favor Noel

party= Democratic
order= 37th
title=Governor of Mississippi
term_start= January 21, 1908
term_end= January 16, 1912
lieutenant= Luther Manship
predecessor= James K. Vardaman
successor= Earl L. Brewer
date of birth= birth date|1856|3|4|mf=y
place of birth= near Lexington, Mississippi
date of death= death date and age|1927|7|30|1856|3|4|mf=y
place of death= Lexington, Mississippi
religion= Baptist
profession = Lawyer
spouse= Loula Hoskins (1890)
Alice Tye Neilson (1905)

Edmond [In some sources variant Edmund appears.] Favor Noel (March 4, 1856–July 30, 1927) was an American politician who was the governor of Mississippi from 1908 to 1912.

Noel was born in Holmes County, Mississippi near the city of Lexington. He served in the Mississippi House of Representatives and as a district attorney before he was elected to the Mississippi State Senate in 1895. He later served in the U.S. Army in the Spanish-American War.

During his time in the State Senate, Noel authored Mississippi's primary election law and a constitutional amendment providing for an effective judiciary.

Noel was re-elected in 1899 but he was unsuccessful in his bid to become Governor in 1903.

In 1907, he was elected to the office of Governor. His term was marked by numerous progressive reforms, such as in education. These reforms included consolidation of the state's rural school districts, the establishment of agricultural high schools and the founding of a Teacher's college in Hattiesburg. Noel's term also saw the passage of a child labor law and a statewide prohibition law. [cite web |url=http://www.nga.org/portal/site/nga/menuitem.29fab9fb4add37305ddcbeeb501010a0/?vgnextoid=36500646cf307010VgnVCM1000001a01010aRCRD&vgnextchannel=e449a0ca9e3f1010VgnVCM1000001a01010aRCRD |title=Mississippi Governor Edmond Favor Noel |accessdate=2008-09-25 |publisher=National Governors Association |date=]

After his term expired, Noel remained active in state politics. In 1918, he was unsuccessful in his run for the United States Senate, losing to Pat Harrison in a race which also involved Senator James K. Vardaman.

In 1920, he was elected to the Mississippi State Senate again, where he served until his death in 1927.

Noel is buried at Odd Fellows Cemetery in Lexington, Mississippi.


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