

A bandplan or band plan is a plan for utilizing a particular band of radio frequencies, that are a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum . Each bandplan defines the frequency range to be included, how channels are to be defined, and what will be carried on those channels. Typical definitions set forth in a bandplan are:

*numbering scheme - which channel numbers or letters (if any) will be assigned
*center frequencies - how far apart the carrier wave for each channel will be
*bandwidth and/or deviation - how wide each channel will be
*spectral mask - how extraneous signals will be attenuated by frequency
*modulation - what type will be used or are permissible
*content - what types of information are allowed, such as audio or video, analog or digital
*licensing - what the procedure will be to obtain a license

ee also

*Frequency allocation
*Cellular frequencies
*Amateur radio frequency allocations

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