Labial glands

Labial glands

Infobox Anatomy
Latin = glandulae labiales oris
GraySubject = 242
GrayPage = 1111

Caption = The labial coronary arteries, the glands of the lips, and the nerves of the right side seen from the posterior surface after removal

Caption2 =
Precursor =
System =
Artery = inferior labial
Vein =
Nerve =
Lymph =
MeshName =
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DorlandsPre = g_06
DorlandsSuf = 12392426
The labial glands are situated between the mucous membrane and the Orbicularis oris, around the orifice of the mouth.

They are circular in form, and about the size of small peas; their ducts open by minute orifices upon the mucous membrane.

In structure they resemble the salivary glands.

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