Zenker's degeneration — Zen·ker s degeneration tseŋ kərz , zeŋ n hyaline degeneration of voluntary muscles associated with severe infectious diseases (as typhoid fever) called also waxy degeneration Zen·ker tseŋ kər Friedrich Albert von (1825 1898) German pathologist… … Medical dictionary
zenker's degeneration — ˈtse]ŋkə(r)z , ˈze] noun Usage: usually capitalized Z Etymology: after Friedrich Albert von Zenker died 1898 German pathologist : amyloidosis … Useful english dictionary
Zenker — is the name of:* Friedrich Albert von Zenker (1825 1898) was a German pathologist, who named: ** Zenker s degeneration ** Zenker s diverticulum ** Zenker s fixative ** Zenker s paralysis * Hans Zenker (1870 1932) was a German admiral. * Christian … Wikipedia
Zenker's necrosis — n ZENKER S DEGENERATION … Medical dictionary
degeneration — 1. Deterioration; passing from a higher to a lower level or type. 2. A worsening of mental, physical, or moral qualities. 3. A retrogressive pathologic change in cells or tissues, in consequence of which their functions are often impaired or… … Medical dictionary
Zenker degeneration (necrosis) diverticulum — Zen·ker degeneration (necrosis), diverticulum (tsengґker) [Friedrich Albert von Zenker, German pathologist, 1825–1898] see under degeneration and diverticulum … Medical dictionary
Zenker degeneration — necrosis and hyaline degeneration of striated muscle; called also Zenker necrosis … Medical dictionary
Zenker — Friedrich A., German pathologist, 1825–1898. See Z. degeneration, Z. diverticulum, Z. fixative, Z. paralysis, formol Z. fixative … Medical dictionary
Zenker necrosis — see under degeneration … Medical dictionary
Friedrich Albert von Zenker — (1825 1898) was a German pathologist and physician, celebrated for his discovery of trichinosis. He was born in Dresden, and was educated in Leipzig and Heidelberg. Attached to the city hospital of Dresden in 1851, he added, in 1855, the duties… … Wikipedia