August Wilhelm Zumpt

August Wilhelm Zumpt

August Wilhelm Zumpt (December 4, 1815 – April 22, 1877) was a German classical scholar, known chiefly in connection with Latin epigraphy. He was a nephew of Karl Gottlob Zumpt.

Born in Königsberg, Zumpt studied in Berlin, and in 1851 became professor in the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Gymnasium.

His papers on epigraphy (collected in "Commentationes epigraphicae," i vols., 1850-54) brought him into conflict with Theodor Mommsen in connexion with the preparation of the "Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum," a scheme for which, drawn up by Mommsen, was approved in 1847. Zumpt died in Berlin.


* Edition of Rutilius Claudius Namatianus (1840)
* "De Augustalibus et Seviris Augustalibus commentatio epigraphica" (1846)
* "Monumentum Ancyranum" (with Franck, 1847)
* Studio, Romana (1859)
* "Das Kriminalrecht der röm. Republik" (1865-1869)
* Editions of Cicero's "Pro Murena" (1859) and "De lege agraria" (1861)
* "De monumento Ancyrano supplendo" (1869)
* "Der Kriminalprozess der röm. Republik" (1871)

Wilhelm Ihne incorporated materials left by him in the seventh and eighth volumes of his "Römische Geschichte" (1840).



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