

Infobox Given Name Revised
name = Guillaume

gender = Male
meaning =
region =
origin =
related names = William
footnotes =

Guillaume, French for William, may refer to:

As a given name


*Guillaume Amontons
*Guillaume Apollinaire (18801918), a poet, writer and art critic.


*Guillaume de Salluste Du Bartas
*Guillaume du Bellay, seigneur de Langey (1491-1543), a French diplomat and general
*Guillaume de Bellecombe
*Guillaume-François Berthier
*Guillaume Beuzelin
*Guillaume Bigourdan
*Guillaume aux Blanches Mains
*Guillaume de Bonne-Carrere
*Guillaume Briconnet
*Guillaume Marie Anne Brune
*Guillaume Budé (14671540), a French scholar.


*Guillaume Cale
*Guillaume Canet (born 1973), a French actor.
*Guillaume de Chartres
*Guillaume Amfrye de Chaulieu
*Guillaume Cheval dit St-Jacques
*Guillaume Cornelis van Beverloo (born 1922), a Dutch artist, better known under his pseudonym Corneille
*Guillaume Costeley
*Guillaume Courtois
*Guillaume Coustou the Elder
*Guillaume Coustou the Younger


*Guillaume Dah Zadi (born 1978), a Côte d'Ivoire footballer
*Guillaume Daniel Delprat
*Guillaume Delisle (16751726), a French cartographer.
*Guillaume Depardieu (1971), a French actor.
*Guillaume Dode de la Brunerie
*Guillaume Dubois
*Guillaume Duchenne (18061875), a French neurologist
*Guillaume Dufay (13971474), a FrancoFlemish composer and music theorist.
*Guillaume Henri Dufour (1787-1875), a Swiss general and topographer who presided over the convention that established the International Red Cross
*Guillaume Dufresne d' Arsel
*Guillaume Philibert Duhesme
*Guillaume Mathieu, comte Dumas
*Guillaume Dupuytren (1777-1835), a French anatomist and surgeon
*Guillaume Durand
*Guillaume Durand (nephew)


*Guillaume Elmont
*Guillaume d'Estouteville


*Guillaume-André Fauteux
*Guillaume Faye
*Guillaume Fichet
*Guillaume de Fondaumière
*Guillaume François Rouelle


*Guillaume Gallienne
*Guillaume Gamelin Gaucher
*Guillaume Geefs
*Guillaume Le Gentil (17251792), a French astronomer.
*Guillaume de Gisors (12191307), grandson of Jean de Gisors.
*Guillaume Gouffier, seigneur de Bonnivet
*Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer (1801-1876), a Dutch politician and historian
*Guillaume Guiart


*Guillaume Huin d'Estaing
*Guillaume de l'Hôpital (16611704), a French mathematician


*Guillaume de Lamoignon de Blancmesnil (16831772), a French magistrate
*Guillaume-Chrétien de Lamoignon de Malesherbes (17211794), a French statesman
*Guillaume Latendresse
*Guillaume LeBlanc
*Guillaume Lefebvre
*Guillaume Legrant
*Guillaume Lekeu
*Guillaume de Lorris
*Guillaume IV, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
*Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg
*Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg


*Guillaume de Machaut (13001377), a French composer and poet.
*Guillaume-Chrétien de Lamoignon de Malesherbes (17211794), a French statesman
*Guillaume Morel


*Guillaume-Alphonse Nantel
*Guillaume-Gabriel Nivers
*Guillaume de Nogaret


*Guillaume-Antoine Olivier


*Guillaume de Palerme
*Guillaume Pellicier, French diplomat.
*Guillaume-Lebrecht Petzold
*Guillaume Postel
*Guillaume Poyet
*Guillaume de Puylaurens


*Guillaume Raoux
*Guillaume Rondelet (15071566), a professor of medicine at the University of Montpellier.
*Guillaume-Joseph Roques

*Guillaume Sarkozy (born 1951), a French textile entrepreneur and vice-president of the MEDEF, the French union of employers
*Guillaume Sayer
*Guillaume de Sonnac
*Guillaume Soro


*Guillaume Tarrant
*Guillaume Thomas François Raynal
*Guillaume De Tonquédec


*Guillaume du Vair
*Guillaume Vigneault


*Guillaume Warmuz

As a surname

*Albert Guillaume, French caricaturist
*Alfred Guillaume, Islamic scholar
*Charles Edouard Guillaume, French-Swiss physicist
*Duval Guillaume
*Günter Guillaume (19271995), a close aide to West German chancellor Willy Brandt who turned out to be a spy for East Germany's secret service
*Gustave Guillaume, French linguist
*James Guillaume, anarchist
*Jean Guillaume, Belgian writer
*Jean-Baptiste Claude Eugène Guillaume, French sculptor
*Pierre Guillaume, book-shop founder
*Robert Guillaume (born 1927 as Robert P. Williams), an American stage and television actor.
*Sylvain Guillaume (born 1968), a French skier


*Bois-Guillaume, a commune in Normandy
*Le Mesnil-Guillaume, a commune in Basse-Normandie


*Guillaume Affair
*Guillaume (crater)
*L'Histoire de Guillaume le Marechal
*Prix Guillaume d'Ornano
*Chronica (Guillaume de Puylaurens)
*The Robert Guillaume Show
*Guillaume et les sortilèges

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