- Bystroye Channel
The Bystroye Channel (also known as Bastroe Canal, Bâstroe or Bystroe Channel, etc.) was a project proposed by
Ukraine in theDanube Delta . According to official Ukrainian plans, it was to be completed in2008 . The intent was to provide a deep-water route from theDanube to theBlack Sea under Ukrainian control, in order to reduce their ship transit costs. Ecologists have raised significant concerns about damage to the Danube Deltaecosystem . [ro icon "Canalul Bastroe - o posibila catastrofa ecologica?" ("The Bastroe Channel: a possible ecological catastrophe?", originally postedJune 29 ,2004 on www.vinatorul.ro [http://web.archive.org/web/20041101192626/http://www.vinatorul.ro/community/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=186 available as an archive] , archivedNovember 1 ,2004 on theInternet Archive .] After the apparent failure of diplomatic efforts, the government ofRomania , where most of the Danube Delta lies, is reportedly considering building a 20 kmcanal that would absorb the Danube's water upstream of Ukraine's small piece of the river, in order to render the planned Bastroe Channel useless and thereby discourage Ukraine from attempting such a project. The Romanian canal would be designed so that it could be shut at any time, returning the river more or less to its current state. [ [http://www.pressreview.ro/articol.php?a=600&s=2&ss=-1 Romania to Build Counter-Canal in Danube’s Delta] ]The Danube Delta has been a
UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1991. TheEuropean Union has repeatedly asked Ukraine to halt the project, as hasRomania and theUnited States . TheWorldwide Fund for Nature has said the canal threatens the delta's most important wetland, where 70 percent of the world'swhite pelican s and 50 percent ofpygmy cormorant s live.The official inauguration of the project was scheduled for Ukrainian Independence Day
August 24 ,2004 but was postponed untilAugust 26 . OnAugust 24 , around 140non-profit organisations andtrade union s submitted an open letter at the Ukrainian embassy inBucharest , Romania saying the project may endanger more than 280bird species and 45freshwater fish species living in the delta. "If Ukraine goes ahead with its plan ... the delta will become a fetid swamp," said a statement by one of the unions. OnAugust 26 Ukraine officially inaugurated the project and the Romanian government announced plans to bring alawsuit against Ukraine at theHague -basedInternational Court of Justice , invoking theRamsar Convention onwetlands .In May 2005, parties of the
Aarhus Convention agreed on political sanctions against Ukraine. Ukraine announced the temporary halt of the project in June, 2005.In February 2006 "The Conference for the Sustainable Development of the Danube Delta" was held inOdessa with participation of Romania, Moldova and Ukraine and involved international organizations, however work on the channel is still planned.References
External links
* [http://assets.panda.org/downloads/bystroyecanalqa.pdf The Bystroye Canal in the Ukrainian Danube Delta – Questions and Answers] (
PDF ) - criticism by theWorld Wildlife Fund (WWF).* [http://www.bystroe.3x.ro - www.bystroe.3x.ro] - The only website that presents the whole issue from the early beginnings until the present with tons of maps, pictures, articles, ideas, plans and alternative proposals
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