

In baking and pastry making, the term streusel (a German word meaning "something scattered or sprinkled", from the verb "streuen", akin to the English verb 'strew') refers to a crumb topping of butter, flour, and sugar (traditional German) that is baked on top of muffins, breads, and cakes (e.g. Streuselkuchen).Some modern recipes add various spices and occasionally chopped nutmeats. Although the topping is of German origin, it is sometimes referred to as Danish or Swedish.

The term is also sometimes used for rich pastries topped with, or mixed with, streusel.

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  • streusel — noun 1. pastry with a topping of streusel • Hypernyms: ↑pastry 2. a crumbly topping for a pastry • Hypernyms: ↑topping …   Useful english dictionary

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  • streusel — noun Etymology: German, literally, something strewn, from Middle High German ströusel, from ströuwen to strew, from Old High German strewen Date: 1909 a crumbly mixture of fat, sugar, and flour and sometimes nuts and spices that is used as… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • streusel — Ger. /shtrddoy zeuhl/; Eng. /strooh zeuhl, stroy /, n. a topping for coffeecake, consisting of crumbs of blended sugar, cinnamon, flour, butter, and chopped nutmeats. [1925 30; < G: lit., a sprinkling; see STREW] * * * …   Universalium

  • streusel — noun A crumbly topping for cakes and quick breads. It is made of sugar, flour, butter, cinnamon, and often chopped nuts …   Wiktionary

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