Patrick Poivre d'Arvor

Patrick Poivre d'Arvor

Patrick Poivre d'Arvor (born Patrick Poivre, 20 September 1947) is a French TV journalist and writer. He is a household name in France, and nicknamed PPDA. With over 30 years and in excess of 4,500 editions of television news to his credit, he was one of the longest serving newsreaders in the world until he was fired in 2008. He anchored his last newscast on TF1 on 10 July 2008 [ AFP: Star news anchor bows out in French TV shake-up ] ] .


PPDA was born in Reims, France. He obtained his Baccalauréat at 15, the year he became a father. He attended the Institut d'études politiques de Paris, where he studied Law and Oriental Languages at the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales.

Journalistic career

Poivre started training as a journalist at the Centre de formation des journalistes (CFJ) at 22. He obtained his first job in 1971 on France Inter as morning newsreader.

In 1974, at the time of Valéry Giscard d'Estaing's accession to the Presidency, Poivre joined Antenne 2.He made his first TV appearance there in 1975, and was anchorman for news bulletins from 16 February 1976 to 28 July 1983. After a brief stint with Canal+, he joined TF1 in 1986 for the Sunday program "A la folie pas du tout" and "Ex Libris", from Frederic Lepage.

On 31 August 1987, he was made anchorman for the weekday news of TF1 at 8pm from Monday to Thursday. He is satirised in the French puppet show "Les Guignols de l'info" on Canal+, where his alter ego is the puppet PPD, the news anchor.


On 9 June 2008, it was reported that Poivre d'Arvor was let go from the 8pm news, to be replaced by Laurence Ferrari. [cite news|url=|title=Star French news anchor "PPDA" to step down|last=Mackenzie|first=James|date=9 June, =2008|work=Reuters|accessdate=2008-06-09] He made his last broadcast on 10 July. In an interview, he said that there was "no objective" reason for his dismissal, but declined to comment on "rumours" of political interference.

Professional controversies

His greatest controversy is the faked interview [* Olivier Cyran, Mehdi Ba ("et al"), "Almanach critique des médias" (2005) - éditions Les Arènes. « PPDA/Castro - Fausse interview, vraie mensonge ». ISBN 2-912485-83-5] - actually footage of a press conference with added questions - he purported to have made with Cuban President Fidel Castro, broadcast on 16 December 1991. "Télérama" journalist Pierre Carles exposed this fraud, which Poivre blamed on his colleague and co-interviewer Régis Faucon, after the latter had departed TF1 [" [ Les fabuleuses histoires de Poivre d’Arvor] " on Acrimed] .

On 10 January 1996, the Court of Appeal sentenced Poivre to 15 months in prison (suspended) and fined him 200,000 Francs for his part in misappropriation of public funds in a case involving Pierre Botton and his father-in-law and then deputy mayor of Lyon, Michel Noir. [" [ Noir-Botton-Mouillot-PPDA : à Lyon plus dure est la cour d’appel] " on L'Humamité] .

On 11 September 2001, at 10:15 EDT, while he was interviewing a reporter from New York, a sequence from Star Wars episode IV briefly replaced the live satellite feed from New York showing the World Trade Center. The sequence occurs at the 91th minute of the film, which would place the logical beginning of the film at 08:44, two minutes before the impact on the first tower. The picture quickly switched to PPDA who appeared confused. The glitch was covered on the Canal +'s Zapping program, and later columnist Alain Rémond wrote about this incident in the 13 October 2001 edition of the weekly Télérama, jokingly asking if al-Qaeda operatives had infiltrated TF1.

Personal life

He is married to Véronique, with whom he has three daughters and one son. One daughter, Solenn, committed suicide at a Paris metro station in 1995, aged 19, having been a long-term anorexic. Her plight became a symbol of the problems of anorexia and bulimia, with Poivre becoming a campaigner and writer on the issue. In December 2004, Bernadette Chirac, wife of former President Jacques Chirac, whose daughter also suffered from the disorder, opened a treatment centre in Paris for adolescents and named it “Maison de Solenn”.

Poivre caused controversy by presenting his regular news bulletin the evening after Solenn's death.

Controversies in his private life

For several years in the 1990s, rumours abounded that Poivre had had an affair with Claire Chazal, his weekend counterpart as TF1 8pm news anchor. The pair refused to confirm the story until August 2005, when Poivre acknowledged in "Confessions", a book of interviews to journalist Serge Raffy, that he was the father of Chazal's 10-year-old son, François. "We had set at [François' age] ten the time that this story would be revealed", Poivre said.

Published works

He has published many books, two of which are dedicated to his daughter Solenn. He has also written prefaces to books by other authors, and these are not listed here.

*"Les enfants de l'aube", 1982 J.-C. Lattès, ISBN 2-7096-0148-6 adapted as a TV movie starring Cyril Descours
*"Les Femmes de ma vie", 1988 France Loisirs
*"L'homme d'image", 1992 Flammarion, ISBN 2-08-066802-1
*"Lettres à l'absente" 1993 Albin Michel
*"Les loups et la bergerie", 1994 Albin Michel, ISBN 2-226-06987-9
*"Elle n'était pas d'ici", 1995 Albin Michel, ISBN 2-226-07846-0
*"Un Héros de passage", 1996 Albin Michel, ISBN 2-226-08563-7
*"Une trahison amoureuse", 1997 Albin Michel, ISBN 2-226-09356-7
*"Lettre ouverte aux violeurs de vie privee", 1997 Albin Michel, ISBN 2-226-09204-8
*"La Fin du monde" 1998 Albin Michel, ISBN 2-226-10009-1
*"Petit Homme", 1999 Albin Michel, ISBN 2-226-10658-8
*"L'Irrésolu", 2000 Albin Michel ISBN 2-226-11670-2, - Interallié Prize winner in 2001
*"Les rats de garde" (co-author Eric Zemmour) 2000 Stock, ISBN 2-234-05217-3
*"Le Roman de Virginie", 2001 J'ai lu, ISBN 2-277-22080-9
*"Un enfant", 2001 Albin Michel, ISBN 2-226-12608-2
*"La Traversée du miroir", 2002 Balland, ISBN 2-7158-1416-X
*"J'ai aimé une reine", 2003 Editions Fayard, ISBN 2-213-61562-4
*"Courriers de nuit : La Légende de Mermoz et de Saint-Exupéry", (co-author Olivier Poivre d'Arvor), 2003 Place des Victoires, ISBN 2-84459-045-4
*"La mort de Don Juan", 2004 Albin Michel, ISBN 2-226-15400-0
*"Frères et soeur", 2004 Balland, ISBN 2-7158-1482-8
*"Les plus beaux poemes d'amour anthologie", 2004 Albin Michel, ISBN 2-226-07996-3
*"Chasseurs de trésors et autres flibustiers" (co-author Olivier Poivre d'Arvor), 2005 Place Des Victoires Eds, ISBN 2-84459-110-8
*"Pirates et corsaires" (co-author Olivier Poivre d'Arvor), 2005 Place Des Victoires Eds, ISBN 2-84459-075-6
*"Coureurs des mers", (co-author Olivier Poivre d'Arvor), 2005 Place Des Victoires Eds, ISBN 2-84459-058-6
*"Disparaître" (co-author Olivier Poivre d'Arvor), 2006 Gallimard, ISBN 2-07-077966-1
*"Rêveurs des Mers", (co-author Olivier Poivre d'Arvor), 2007 Place des Victoires Eds, ISBN 978-2-253-11545-8
*"Age d'or du voyage en train" 2006 Editions du Chene-Hachette-Livre. English translation 2007 "First Class-Legendary Train Journeys Around the World" The Vendome Press ISBN 13-978-0-86565-188-3


*In 2004, Poivre was cast in a minor voice-only role as a newscaster in the French version of the Pixar animated film "The Incredibles" ("Les Indestructibles").
*Poivre claims to be descended directly from Jacques Poivre, brother of Pierre Poivre ("French article"), who was an 18th century nobleman in the time of Louis XV, "d'Arvor" being Jacques Poivre's pseudonym. Poivre, his siblings and his three surviving children legally changed their surname to "Poivre d'Arvor" in 1994.


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