Carl Edvard Johansson

Carl Edvard Johansson

Carl Edvard Johansson (18641943) was a Swedish inventor and scientist.

Family: He was married to Margareta Andersson in 1896 and had four children; Elsa, Signe, Edvard and Gertrud.

CE Johansson invented the gauge block set, also known as "Jo Blocks" ("Johansson gauge blocks"). He was granted his first Swedish patent on 2 May 1901, Swedish patent No. 17017 called "Gauge Block Sets for Precision Measurement". He formed the Swedish company CE Johansson AB (CEJ AB), Eskilstuna, Sweden in 1911. The first CEJ gauge block set in America was sold to Henry M. Leland at Cadillac Automobile Co. around 1908.

At the end of his career, in 1923, Johansson started to work for Henry Ford at the Ford Motor Company, in Dearborn, Michigan. Ford bought the entire American company, CE Johansson Inc., that he had established 1918 in Poughkeepsie, New York and all the equipment was moved to Dearborn. Some of his Swedish employees that worked in Poughkeepsie was also employed by Ford. At the age of 72, he decided to retire and went back to Sweden. During his life he had crossed the Atlantic Ocean 22 times and spent a lot of time in America.

He was awarded the large gold medal of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, posthumously in 1943, shortly after his death.


*"CE Johansson-The Master of Measurement", by Torsten K.W. Althin at the request of CE Johansson AB, 1948. Publ. by CEJ AB.


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