Lieberman — Lieberman, Liebermann, or Liberman are names deriving from Lieb , a German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) nickname for a pleasant or agreeable person, from the German lieb or Yiddish lib , meaing dear, beloved (Patrick Hanks and Flavia Hodges, A… … Wikipedia
Liebermann — Lieberman, Liebermann, or Liberman are names deriving from Lieb, a German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) nickname for a person from the German lieb or Yiddish lib, meaning dear, beloved .[1] Many Lieberman families originally spelled the name in Hebrew… … Wikipedia
Yehoshua Shneur Zalman Serebryanski — Rabbi Yehoshua Shneur Zalman Serebryanski, known familiarly as Reb Zalman, (Dec 1904 1991 06 15) was an Orthodox rabbi and Mashpia belonging to the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidic movement. He was a follower of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn (1880… … Wikipedia
Liste der Mitglieder der 16. Knesset — Dies ist eine Liste der Mitglieder der 16. Knesset. Die 120 Abgeordneten wurden am 29. Januar 2003 gewählt. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Zusammensetzung 2 Mitglieder der 16. Knesset 3 Umbesetzungen 4 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Yisrael BaAliyah — ( he. ישראל בעלייה, lit. Israel on the up ) was a political party in Israel that focused on Zionism and representing the interests of Russian immigrants. The party was founded in 1996 by Natan Sharansky, a former Refusenik, and established its… … Wikipedia
Liste der Mitglieder der 17. Knesset — Dies ist eine Liste der Mitglieder der 17. Knesset. Die Wahlen zur 17. Knesset fanden am Dienstag, dem 28. März 2006 statt. Am 4. Mai wurde Dalia Itzik als Parlamentspräsidentin vereidigt und ist damit die erste weibliche Parlamentspräsidentin… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Unión Nacional (Israel) — Para otros usos de este término, véase Unión Nacional. La Unión Nacional (en hebreo האיחוד הלאומי, HaIjud HaLehumí) es un partido político israelí de derecha radical nacionalista sionista que consiste en una alianza política entre las… … Wikipedia Español
Tkuma (political party) — Tkuma ( he. תקומה, Resurrection ) is a right wing political party in Israel. It is currently part of the National Union.BackgroundTkuma was established in 1998 when Hanan Porat and Zvi Hendel left the National Religious Party. At first the new… … Wikipedia
Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee — The Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee ( he. ועדת חוץ וביטחון) is a permanent Knesset committee which oversees key Foreign and Defense areas, including the drafting of legislation, supervision over related government ministries and the… … Wikipedia
ISRAEL PRIZE — The Israel Prize, instituted in 1953, is awarded by the minister of education and culture on the recommendation of judges appointed for each subject for outstanding work in the following fields: Jewish Studies (and Rabbinical Literature),… … Encyclopedia of Judaism