- Wigand Siebel
Wigand Siebel, born
January 4 1929 inFreudenberg, Westphalia is a Germansociologist .Scientific career
After his graduation, Siebel worked for the
Social Research Center ofDortmund . In 1964, he was appointed a lecturer at theRuhr University atBochum . In 1965, he was appointed Professor of Sociology at the University of the Saarlands inSaarbrücken .The following is his academic timeline, as given at [http://www.the-pope.com/prog-jp2.html http://www.the-pope.com] :
#Studied in
Kiel ,Munich andMünster .
#1955 -1959 :Fellow at theInstitute for Christian Social Sciences inMünster .
#1955 : Received hisDoctorate inPolitical Science at Münster.
#1955 -1959 : Publishing Company ofFreiburg
#1959 -1964 : Fellow ofSocial Research at theUniversity of Münster inDortmund .
#1964 : Promotion to academic status in Münster
#Since1965 : Full Professor atSaarbrucken He is presently the
Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the University of Saarland.Life
Siebel was raised an Evangelical Protestant and converted to
Catholicism a short time before "Vatican II ". As a Conservative Christian, he became involved with theCatholic Traditionalist movement resisting the adoption of theModernist heresy and the junking of Catholicism as a result of theAggiornamento and "Vatican II", and presently holds the Sedevacantist position.Controversy
The French Traditionalist priest,
George de Nantes wrote in his "The Catholic Counter-Reformation in the XXth Century", #220, June 1989, page 20, para 1 & 2 that Wigand Siebel and his followers teach that, with the Modernist apostasy, the Catholic Papacy has ceased to be or that it has come to an end, a teaching which contradicts Catholic teaching that is strongly emphasised.External links
* [http://www.oratorium-editor.de Oratorium von der göttlichen Wahrheit]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.