William M. Branham

William M. Branham

Infobox Person
name = William M. Branham

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birth_date = April 6, 1909
birth_place = Kentucky
death_date = December 24 1965
death_place = Friona, Texas
death_cause =
resting_place = Jeffersonville, Indiana
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William Marrion Branham (April 6, 1909—December 24 1965) was a Christian minister, usually credited with founding the post World War II faith healing movement [
* Anderson, A., "An Introduction to Pentecostalism" (Cambridge University Press, 2004) p58
* "Dictionary of Christianity In America" (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1990) p182.
* "Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements" (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1988) p372.
* [http://www.wheaton.edu/bgc/archives/GUIDES/123.htm "Ephemera of William Marrion Branham: Biography" Billy Graham Center, Wheaton College, Illinois, USA]
* Harrell, D.E., "All Things Are Possible: The Healing and Charismatic Revivals in Modern America" (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1978) p25
* Hollenweger, W. J., "Pentecostalism: Origins and Developments Worldwide", (Hendrickson Publications, 1997) p229
* Hyatt, E. L., "2000 Years of Charismatic Christianity", (Strang Communications, 2002) Chapter 25, "The Healing Revival".
* Krapohl, R. H., & Lippy, C. H., "The Evangelicals: A Historical, Thematic, and Biographical Guide", Greenwood Press, 1999, p69
* Weaver, C.D., "The Healer-Prophet: William Marrion Branham (A study of the Prophetic in American Pentecostalism)" (Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 2000) p139
] . Today, he is considered a Scriptural prophet by those Christians around the world who believe that his ministry and teachings were supernaturally vindicated by God. [
* Message Church locations [http://www.wmb1.com/de/~diego/ChurchSitesA.shtml WMB1.com]
* Message Church locations [http://www.williambranham.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=36&Itemid=141 William Branahm.com]
* [http://branham.org/ Voice of God Recordings]
* [http://bibleway.org/default.asp Cloverdale Bibleway]
* [http://www.believethesign.com/ Believe the Sign]
* [http://www.livingwordbroadcast.org/ Living Word Broadcast]
* [http://www.SpokenWordChurch.com Spoken Word Church]
* [http://www.eastleatabernacle.org Eastlea Tabernacle, Zimbabwe]

The declared intention of William Branham's ministry was to turn Christians back to what he believed to be the original apostolic faith of the Bible, as stated in [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Mal/Mal004.html#top Malachi 4:5-6] . His theme was from [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Hbr/Hbr013.html#8 Hebrews 13:8] "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and for ever." [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=477333805&advquery=Malachi%204%20Hebrews%2013%3a8&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={161D1}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W.M., "God's Provided Way for this Day" (Jeffersonville, Indiana: Voice of God Recordings, 1964] )]


Early life

William Branham was born April 6, 1909 in a log cabin in the Kentucky hills. The first of nine children of Charles and Ella Branham, he was raised near Jeffersonville, Indiana. Branham's family was nominally Roman Catholic, however, he had minimal contact with Christianity during his childhood. His father was a logger and an alcoholic, and Branham often talked about how his upbringing was difficult and impoverished. [
* Harrell, D.E., "op cit", p28
* [http://www.biblebelievers.org/mansent1.htm Lindsay, G., "William Branham: A Man Sent from God", (Jeffersonville, Indiana: WBEA)] Chapters 2 & 3

From his early childhood Branham claimed to have supernatural experiences including prophetic visions. He recalled that in his early childhood, while assisting his father at a backyard moonshine still, he heard the voice of the Angel of the Lord who told him 'never to drink, smoke or defile himself by living immorally with women'. [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=477332683&advquery=%22MY.LIFE.STORY_%20%20LA.CA%20%20FOOTPRINTS.BOOK%20%20SUNDAY_%20%2059-0419A%22%20%22Let%20us%20bow%20our%20heads%20just%20a%20moment%20for%20prayer.%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={B4DE}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "My Life Story" (Jeffersonville, Indiana: Voice of God Recordings, 1959)] ] On one occasion during his teenage years, he remembered being approached by an astrologer telling him that he was 'born under a special sign' and that they predicted an important religious calling for him. Later he came to understand this to be similar to Paul's experience with the "damsel with a spirit of divination" in [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Act/Act016.html#16 Acts 16:16-17]

Leaving home at nineteen, Branham worked on a ranch in Arizona and also had a short career as a boxer, reportedly winning 15 fights [Weaver, C. D., "op cit", p25] . At the age of twenty-two [Smith, A., "Generation: Remembering the Life of a Prophet", Believers International, 2006.] he had a Christian conversion experience and later was ordained as an assistant pastor at a Missionary Baptist Church in Jeffersonville [Harrell, D. E. "op cit", p28] . When he disagreed with the pastor about the role of women preaching, Branham held a series of revivals on his own in a tent. Later, the meetings moved to a local hall until they were able to construct a building in 1933 which the congregation named 'Branham Tabernacle' [http://www.bridemessage.org/lilypond.htm (photo)] [
* [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=474548258&advquery=%22they%20just%20put%20my%20name%20up%20there%22%20%22Branham%20tabernacle%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={4290}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "The Unpardonable Sin", Voice of God Recordings, Oct 1954]
* Jorgensen, O., Supernatural: The Life of William Branham (book 2), 1994, chapter 14
] .

Public ministry

From accounts by Branham's family, it is evident that he had been conducting healing campaigns at least as early as 1941 when he conducted a two-week 'revival' in Milltown [ [http://www.onlybelieve.com/PDF/1998%2004.pdf At Tottens Ford, Believers News, April 1998] ] , and his 1945 tract "I Was Not Disobedient Unto the Heavenly Vision' [ [http://www.wmb1.com/portico/modules.php?name=News&file=print&sid=56 Branham, W. M., "I Was Not Disobedient Unto the Heavenly Vision", 1945] ] shows that his faith healing ministry was well established by this time.

In May 1946, Branham reported receiving an angelic visitation, commissioning his worldwide ministry of evangelism and faith healing. [
* [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=477334225&advquery=%22How%20the%20Angel%20Came%20to%20Me%20and%20His%20commission%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={47B5}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "How the Angel Came to Me and His Commission" (Jeffersonville, Indiana: Voice of God Recordings, 1955)]
* [http://wmb1.com/de/~diego/Media.shtml Branham, W. M., Interview (video), c1953]
] His first meetings as a full time evangelist were held in St Louis, Missouri in June 1946. Professor Allan Anderson of the University of Birmingham, has written thatBranhams sensational healing services, which began in 1946, are well documented and he was the pacesetter for those who followed” [Anderson, Allan, "An Introduction to Pentecostalism" (Cambridge University press, 2004) p58] . Referring to the St Louis meetings, Krapohl & Lippy have commented: "Historians generally mark this turn in Branhams ministry as inaugurating the modern healing revival" [Kraphol, R. H., & Lippy, C. H., "The Evangelicals: A Historical, Thematic, and Biographical Guide" (Greenwood Press, 1999) p69. ISBN-10: 0313301034]

During the mid 1940s Branham was conducting healing campaigns almost exclusively with Oneness Pentecostal groups [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=209904296&advquery=GOD.COMMISSIONING.MOSES_%20%20JONESBORO.AR%20%20FRIDAY_%20%2053-0508%20E-43&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={1D2A}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 "God Commissioning Moses", May 1953 (sermon transcript)] ] . The broadening of Branham's ministry to the wider Pentecostal community came as a result of his introduction to Gordon Lindsay in 1947, who soon became his primary manager and promoter [Lindsay, G., "William Branham: A Man Sent From God", (Jeffersonville, Indiana: WBEA, 1950) chapter 14] . Around this time several other prominent Pentecostals joined his ministry team including Ern Baxter and F. F. Bosworth [ [http://www.jglm2.atomicshops.com/vohart.html Lindsay, G., "The Voice of Healing", May 1948] ] . Gordon Lindsay proved to be an able publicist for Branham, founding "The Voice of Healing" magazine in 1948 which was originally aimed at reporting on Branham's healing campaigns. [
* Harrell, D. E., "op cit", p54
* [http://www.ancientwells.org.au/PaulD/Voice_of_Healing_files/1948%20April.pdf "Voice of Healing", Vol 1, No 1, April, 1948]

In June 1947, the "Evening Sun" newspaper of Jonesboro, Arkansas reported that "Residents of at least 25 States and Mexico have visited Jonesboro since Rev. Branham opened the camp meeting, June 1. The total attendance for the services is likely to surpass the 20,000 mark". Several newspapers carried reports of healings in the meetings" [ [http://www.bridemessage.org/masent19.htm "The American Press Reports on the Branham Meetings"] Lindsay, G., "op cit", chapter 19] His success took him to countries around the world. According to a Pentecostal historian, "Branham filled the largest stadiums and meeting halls in the world." [Hollenweger, W.J., "The Pentecostals" (Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1972) p354]

In Durban, South Africa in 1951 he addressed meetings sponsored by the Apostolic Faith Mission, the Assemblies of God, the Pentecostal Holiness Church, and the Full Gospel Church of God. Meetings were conducted in eleven cities, with a combined attendance of a half million people. On the final day of the Durban meetings, held at the Greyville Racecourse, an estimated 45,000 people attended and thousands more were turned away at the gates. [
* Stadsklev, J., "William Branham: A Prophet Visits South Africa", 1952, p131
* [http://www.godsgenerals.com/PDF/1952_MARCH.pdf#Page=14 Stadsklev, J., "Greatest Religious Meetings in History of South Africa Inspired by Wm. Branham", The Voice of Healing, March 1952]
] Many healings were reported in the local newspapers. [
* "Cripples Rise From Wheel-Chairs and Walk", The Natal Mercury, Durban, Friday, November 23, 1951 (Reproduced in Stadsklev, J., op cit, p125)
* [http://healingandrevival.com/BranhamNov111951.jpg"Miracle Sets Boy Walking Normally", Sunday Tribune, Durban, 1951 ]
* [http://www.godsgenerals.com/PDF/1952_FEBRUARY.pdf#Page=10 "Hundreds Testify To Being Cured in Branham Tour", The Voice of Healing, Feb 1952]

U.S. Congressman William Upshaw, crippled for sixty-six years, publicly proclaimed his miraculous healing in a Branham meeting in a leaflet called "I'm Standing on the Promises". [
* Harrell, D.E., op cit, p35.
* Weaver, C.D., op cit, p57.
* [http://www.godsgenerals.com/pdf/1951_APRIL-MAY.pdf "Voice of Healing", April-May, 1951]
* [http://www.prohibitionists.org/History/William_Upshaw_Bio.htm William D. Upshaw: "The Georgia Cyclone"]
* [http://www.ourcampaigns.com/CandidateDetail.html?CandidateID=4209&ShowAllEvent=Y Our Campaigns: William Upshaw]
] William Branham also claimed that God's miraculous intervention healed King George VI of England through his prayers. [
* [http://en.believethesign.com/index.php?title=King_George_VI#_ref-At_Thy_Word_1 King George VI] , Believethe Sign
* [http://www.bridemessage.org/lkgeorge.htm Healing of King George]

From the mid 1950s onwards Branham taught that neither Oneness theology nor Trinitarianism were correct, but that God was the same Person in three different offices - in the same way that a husband can also be a father and a grandfather [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=301570039&advquery=husband%20father%20grandfather&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={16F9B}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "The Unveiling of God" (sermon transcript), 1964. ] ] . As he began to speak more openly about doctrine, such as the Godhead and serpent seed, the popularity of his ministry began to decline [Harrell, D. E., "op cit", p41]

Claims of supernatural intervention

Those who regard William Branham as a God-ordained prophet see his ministry as fulfilling Scriptural prophecies about the end times. He said that supernatural signs were given to him in order to encourage people to believe, and to vindicate what he was saying was the truth [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=474579993&advquery=%22You%27ll%20be%20given%20two%20signs%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={442}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "Gifts and Callings are Without Repentance", Voice of God Recordings, March 1950] ] . Witnesses observed a physical sign appearing in his hand which was to indicate a disease or healing. (described by F. F. Bosworth in "The Gifts of Healing Plus"). [
* Bosworth, F.F., "The Gifts of Healing Plus", 1950 (quoted in Harrell, D.E., op cit, p37
* [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=424763590&advquery=%22I%20want%20you%20to%20look%20at%20my%20hand%20here.%20%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={1005}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "The Church of the Living God" (1951), "Have Faith in God" (1954), "It Is I" (1960), Voice of God Recordings]

From July 1949, ministers working with Branham in his meetings, testified that he was able to reveal the thoughts, experiences, and needs of individuals who came to the platform. [
* Jorgensen, O., Supernatural: The Life of William Branham (book 3), 1994, p115
* [http://www.missionfoibiblique.net/osborn.html Frank, E., "Witnesses in our Time", Mission foi Biblique]
* Hollenweger, W. J., "The Pentecostals", (Augsburg Publishing House, 1972) p354
* Baxter, E., New Wine Magazine, Dec. 1978
] Branham himself explained that this knowledge was given to him through visions. [ [http://wmb1.com/de/~diego/Media.shtml Branham, W. M., "Deep Calleth Unto the Deep" (video), June, 1954] . Note: fast forward to 41 minute mark to view William Branham "revealing the secrets of the heart".
* [http://wmb1.com/de/~diego/Media.shtml Branham, W. M., "The Chicago Campaign" (video), August 1953]
] . In a 1978 interview, Ern Baxter (who worked with William Branham from 1947 to 1954) stated: "Branham had a tremendous word of knowledge. Before praying for a person, he would give accurate details concerning the persons ailments, and also details of their lives - their home town, activities, actions - even way back in their childhood. Branham never once made a mistake with the word of knowledge in all the years I was with him. That covers, in my case, thousands of instances". [ [http://ern-baxter.blogspot.com/2006_12_01_archive.html "New Wine Interviews Ern Baxter", New Wine Magazine, Dec 1978] ]

Branham told of supernatural experiences that went back to his childhood. As a young boy he was considered "nervous" because from an early age he spoke of "visions" and "a voice" that spoke to him out of a wind, saying, "Don't ever drink, or smoke, or defile your body in any way. There will be a work for you to do when you get older." Shortly after being ordained, Branham was baptizing people on June 11, 1933 in the Ohio River near Jeffersonville. He described how people along the bank saw a bright light descend over where he was standing, and that he heard a voice say, "As John the Baptist was sent to forerun the first coming of Jesus Christ, so your message will forerun His second coming." [
* Vayle, L., "Twentieth Century Prophet", 1965, p37. Online at [http://www.bridemessage.org/twencent.htm#VINDMESS Twentieth Century Prophet, ch 3, "Pillar of Fire Appears"]
* [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=1041197&advquery=%22In%201933%2c%20the%20supernatural%20Light%20that%20fell%20down%20yonder%20on%20the%20river%2c%20that%20day%20when%20I%20was%20baptizing%20five%20hundred%20in%20the%20Name%20of%20Jesus%20Christ%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={17E9E}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "This day This Scripture Is Fulfilled", (Jeffersonville, Indiana: Voice of God Recordings, 1965).]

Branham recalled that as he prayed alone late one night during his search for personal meaning in May 1946, an angel of light appeared, saying: "Do not fear. I am sent from the presence of the Almighty God to tell you that your peculiar birth and misunderstood life has been to indicate that you are to take a gift of Divine healing to the peoples of the world. If you will be sincere when you pray and can get the people to believe you, nothing shall stand before your prayer, not even cancer. You will go into many parts of the earth and will pray for kings and rulers and potentates. You will preach to multitudes the world over and thousands will come to you for counsel." [Jorgensen, O., "Supernatural: The Life of William Branham" (book 2), 1994, p164] His successful career around the world and his meetings with world dignitaries are claimed to be fulfillment of this prophecy.

In 1948 Branham reported seeing a vision of a boy being raised from the dead. He related the details to his audiences and asked them to write those details down in the flyleaves of their bibles. . The boy's name is Kari Holma and he is alive and well today [
* [http://www.onlybelieve.com/PDF/go_tell.pdf "Visions" (Editor's Note), Only Believe magazine, Believers International]
* [http://en.believethesign.com/index.php?title=Kari_Holma Kari Holma] , Believe the Sign.

On the night of January 24, 1950, an unusual photograph was taken during a speaking engagement in the Sam Houston Coliseum in Houston, Texas. [ [http://www.bridemessage.org/lhoust.htm "The Pillar of Fire Photographed", Bible Believers] Retrieved Oct 7, 2007.] A photograph, the only one of its film roll that developed, showed an apparent halo of light appearing above Branham's head. George J. Lacy, an investigator of questioned documents, subjected the negative to testing. In his report he said, "Based upon the above described examination and study I am of the definite opinion that the negative submitted for examination, was not retouched nor was it a composite or double exposed negative. Further, I am of the definite opinion that the light streak appearing above the head in a halo position was caused by the light striking the negative." [ [http://www.messagequotes.8m.net/halophoto.htm Lacy, G. J., "Report and Opinion Re Questioned Negative", January 29, 1950.] ] The original of the photograph is in the archives of the Library of Congress in Washington, DC. [ [http://lcweb2.loc.gov/pp/pphome.html Library of Congress] (Enter 'Branham' in search box)] . A number of photos were taken during Branham's ministry that displayed the same phenomenon. [
* [http://www.bridemessage.org/lswitz.htm "Pillar of Fire Photographed in Switzerland", Bible Believers Association] Retrieved June 05, 2008.
* [http://www.bridemessage.org/lcomm2.htm "Pillar of Fire Appears Publicly", Bible Believers Association] Retrieved June 05, 2008.

Branham regarded his series of sermons on the Seven Seals [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Rev/Rev006.html#top (Rev 6:1-17] and [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Rev/Rev008.html Rev 8:1] ) in 1963 as a highlight of his ministry [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=418687651&advquery=%22THE.FIRST.SEAL_%20JEFF.IN%20%20MONDAY_%2063-0318%22%20&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={13CC8}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "The Revelation of the Seven Seals", (Jeffersonville, Indiana: Spoken Word Publications, Dec 1967] ] . He said a cluster of seven angels met him on Sunset Mountain in Arizona to commission the opening of the Seals [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=209924208&advquery=cluster%20seven%20angels&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={17B1D}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "Who Do You Say This Is", Voice of God Recordings, Dec 1964] ] , which he believed was in fulfilment of a vision he had told his church several months earlier [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=418688487&advquery=%22First%20a%20blast%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={133CC}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "Sirs Is This the Time", Voice of God Recordings, Dec 1962] ] . Two men who were nearby at the time related hearing a loud noise like an explosion and seeing a cloud rising into the air [ [http://messagequotes.8m.net/AZ%20Republic%20cloud%20article.pdf "The Cloud", The Arizona Republic newspaper, March 26, 1967] ] . Branham interpreted an unusual cloud formation resembling the head of Christ which had been photographed several days earlier [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=209902209&advquery=angels%20picture%20%22day%20or%20two%20before%20or%2c%20day%20or%20two%20after%20I%20was%20up%20there%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={143D0}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W.M., Come Follow Me, Voice of God Recordings, June, 1963] ] , and was featured in Life and Science magazines, [
* [http://www.williambranham.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=79&Itemid=47 "And a High Cloud Ring of Mystery", Life magazine, May 17, 1963, p112]
* [http://www.williambranham.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=79&Itemid=47 "Stratopheric Cloud Over Northern Arizona", Science magazine, April 19, 1963, Vol. 140, No. 3564]
* [http://www.livingwordbroadcast.org/Publications/McDonald_Supplement.htm Mc Donald, J. E., "Status of Investigation of the Northern Arizona Stratopheric Cloud of February 28, 1963", Institute of Atmospheric Physics, University of Arizona, May 31, 963]
* [http://livingwordbroadcast.org/LWBPublications/Weatherwise_Magazine.htm McDonald, J. E., "Cloud Ring in the Upper Stratosphere", Weatherwise magazine, June 1963, Vol. 16, No. 3, p99]
] as vindication of his experience. Some critics have claimed that the cloud was the result of a rocket explosion in California 500 miles to the west [ [http://jesus-messiah.com/html/cloud-hoax.html Reckart, G., "The Cloud Hoax Story", Jesus Messiah Fellowship] ] . Those who believe the cloud was of a supernatural origin point to Scriptural references that connect the return of the Lord Jesus Christ with clouds [ [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Mat/Mat024.html#30 Matthew 24:30] ; [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Mat/Mat026.html#64 Matthew 26:64] ; [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Luk/Luk021.html#27 Luke 21:27] ; [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Rev/Rev001.html#7 Revelation 1:7] ; [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Rev/Rev014.html#14 Revelation 14:14] ] .


On December 18, 1965 William Branham and his family (all except his daughter Rebekah) were returning to Jeffersonville, Indiana from Tucson, Arizona for the Christmas holidays. About three miles east of Friona, Texas (about 70 miles southwest of Amarillo on U.S. Highway 60), just after dark a car traveling west in the eastbound lane, struck Branham's car head-on. [ [http://wmb1.com/de/~diego/images/carwreck.shtml "Head-On Collision Kills 1, Injures 6", Friona Star, Dec 1965] ] The driver of the car was intoxicated and died at the scene, as did the other front seat passenger. The other two passengers in the back seat of the car were severely injured. Branham's wife apparently died at the scene of the collision. When his son Billy Paul ran to the car, Branham asked, "How's mother?". Billy Paul declared, "She's dead". Branham instructed his son to lift his hand and place it upon his wife and called life back into his wife, "In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ". His daughter Sarah, who was lying in the back seat, was also injured. Branham's left arm was mangled and caught in the driver-side door and his left leg was wrapped around the steering wheel. After about 45 minutes Branham was removed from his car and transported to the hospital at Friona, then later transported to the hospital at Amarillo, Texas. He lived for six days after the crash, dying on December 24, 1965 at 5:49 PM. His body was returned to Jeffersonville, Indiana for burial which was delayed until April 11 to allow for Mrs Branham to fully recover from her injuries sustained in the car accident [
* [http://www.bridemessage.org/actsof16.htm Green, P. "Acts of the Prophet", ch 16]
* [http://www.bridemessage.org/actsof17.htm Green, P., "Acts of the Prophet", ch 17]
] . The grave stone in the shape of a pyramid [http://www.bridemessage.org/pamain.htm (photo: gravesite)] reflects his teaching on the Church being restored through the ages ready for the coming of the "Capstone", Jesus Christ [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=130466883&advquery=%22That%27s%20the%20capping%20stone%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={12DD7}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "The Stature of a Perfect Man", Voice of God Recordings, Oct 1962] ] .Branham was survived by his wife (now deceased), two sons, William and Joseph, and two daughters, Rebekah (now deceased) and Sarah.

Doctrines and teachings

William Branham preached thousands of sermons, of which almost 1,200 [ [http://www.branham.org/BranhamDefault.asp?Home=Table&dir=Home&LoadPageDetail=01_Table.htm "The Table", Voice of God Recordings] ] have been recorded and transcribed. His sermons dealt not only with the doctrines that would secure his place in modern religious history, but with staples of Pentecostalism such as personal prophecy.

Along with some other Bible commentators [
* Halley, H. H., "Halley's Bible Handbook", (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1978) p688
* Scofield, C. I., "The Scofield Study Bible", (Oxford university Press, 1996) p1332
* Unger, M. F., "Unger's Bible Dictionary", (The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, 1975) p924
] , Branham believed that the seven churches described in [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Rev/Rev002.html#top The Revelation, chapters two and three] represent seven historical ages of the Christian church, from its beginning to the present time. These ages were outlined in his book "An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages" as (beginning after the time of Christ) Ephesus (53-170), Smyrna (170-312), Pergam (312-606), Thyatira (606-1520), Sardis (1520-1750), Philadelphia (1750-1906), and finally Laodicea (1906-present). He further identified the "angel" of each church as a human messenger. The first six he named as Paul, Irenaeus, Martin, Columba, Martin Luther, and John Wesley. While he never explicitly claimed to be the seventh angel, his followers today believe him to be the final messenger to this the Laodicean church age [Vayle, L., "Twentieth Century Prophet" (Jeffersonville, Indiana: WBEA, 1965) p35. ]

William Branham said he had received seven major prophecies in 1933. [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=477366798&advquery=%22seven%20major%20continuous%20visions%20%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={192D0}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages" (Jeffersonville, Indiana: WBEA, 1965) p321] ] When revealing them in later sermons, he said that the first five had already come true, and that they would all be fulfilled.

# "Franklin D. Roosevelt will run four terms and take America into a second world war.
# "The dictator that's now arising in Italy will come into power. Ethiopia will fall. He'll come to a shameful end.
# "The women have been permitted to vote. And in voting, someday they'll elect the wrong man.
# "Our war will be with Germany and they will build a great big concrete place and fortify themselves in there and the Americans will take a horrible beating.
# "Science will progress in such a way until they will make a car that will not have to be guided by a steering wheel and the cars will continue to be shaped like an egg until the consummation.
# "I saw a great woman stand up, beautiful looking, dressed in real highly royals like purple and I got little parenthesis down here, 'She was a great ruler in the United States, perhaps the Catholic church'"
# "I saw this United States burning like a smolder; rocks had been blowed up. And it was burning like a heap of fire in logs or something that just set it afire; and looked as far as I could see and she'd been blown up. [ [http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/3703/branham.html McAroy, P., "William Branham", Star of David Ministries] ]

Other notable prophecies by Branham include::*That Los Angeles and much of California would sink beneath the sea. [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=549564169&advquery=%22repent%20Los%20Angeles%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={18322}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "The Choosing of a Bride", Voice of God Recordings, April 1965] ]

During a hunting expedition in February 1964, Branham was spoken to in a "whirlwind of God", and was told that judgment would strike the West Coast of America [
* [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=105101865&advquery=%22strike%20the%20west%20coast%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={17DEF}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham. W. M., "A Man Running From the Presence of the Lord", Jeffersonville, Indiana: Voice of God Recordings, 1965]
* [http://www.onlybelieve.com/PDF/08.pdf Roberson, R., "Soldier", Only Believe magazine, 1990, p15]
* McHughes, D., "An Angel in the Camp", Only Believe magazine, June 1992, p14
] . Days later, the 1964 Good Friday, Prince William Sound, Alaska earthquake struck with a magnitude 9.2 force. The US Geological Survey lists this as the largest earthquake on record to strike the Continental United States. [http://earthquake.usgs.gov/regional/states/10_largest_us.php] Branham subsequently prophesied that "Los Angeles will go beneath the ocean. THUS SAITH THE LORD." [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=105101865&advquery=%22Los%20Angeles%20will%20go%20beneath%20the%20ocean.%20THUS%20SAITH%20THE%20LORD.%22%20&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={18D4B}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42]
Branham told one group of his followers: "People will make fun of the destruction of the earthquake that we have said would happen, ‘Thus saith the Lord,’ on the west coast of America, but I want you brothers to know this, that if you have any friends or relation in Los Angeles, if I were you, Id get them out as quickly as possible" [Pearry Green, The Acts of the Prophet, p.115] . Some of Branhams followers did leave California, thus ensuring their future generations would be less likely to be affected by the destruction caused by the "big one" that seismologists now say is inevitable [
* [http://www.usgs.gov/newsroom/article.asp?ID=1601 US Geological Survey]
* [http://scrippsnews.ucsd.edu/Releases/?releaseID=736 "New Scripps Study Reveals San Andeas Fault Set for the Big One", Scripps Institution of Oceanography, June 2006]
] .

Wm. Branham also went outside traditional Christian theology in his rejection of the doctrine of the Trinity and in his denunciation of the "Oneness" or "Jesus Only" concept that Jesus was his own Father, and that Jesus and God were one like your finger is one. [ [http://en.believethesign.com/index.php?title=William_Branham_on_the_Godhead "William Branham on the Godhead", Believe the Sign] Retrieved on 23 Sep 2007.] . From the late 1940s to the early 1950s it appears that Wm. Branham did not publicly denounce the Trinity in his campaign meetings, however to his congregation in Jeffersonville he was more open regarding his preference to the 'Oneness' position (although he said that both Trinity and 'Jesus Only' doctrinal positions were not scriptural).

Many claim that Wm. Branham taught a form ofmodalism’ (sabellianism) with regard to the Godhead, claiming that there are no personal distinctions between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and that the 'persons' of the Godhead are just the same God in three different offices or manifestations. [
* [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=50099&advquery=%22three%20offices%20or%20manifestations%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={1125A}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "The Spoken Word is the Original Seed", Voice of God Recordings, Jeffersonville, Indiana, March 18, 1962]
* [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=50099&advquery=%20%22just%20one%20God%20with%20three%20offices%20or%20manifestations%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={18EFC}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "The Revelation of Jesus Christ", Church Age Book, chapter 1, WBEA, 1965]
] God manifesting Himself in the pillar of Fire as God the Father, in His Son revealing Himself as the son of God, and in the believer in the form of the Holy Spirit. Three dispensations of the same God. God above us (in His office as Father), God with us (in His office as Son) and God in us (in the form of the Holy Spirit).

Wm. Branham taught the Supreme Deity of Jesus Christ [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=50099&advquery=%22to%20set%20forth%20the%20Supreme%20Deity%20of%20Jesus%20Christ%20and%20to%20reveal%20the%20Godhead%20as%20ONE%20God%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={18EF4}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "The Revelation of Jesus Christ", Church Age Book, chapter 1, WBEA, 1965] ] ; that Jesus had the fullness of God dwelling bodily in Him:

Cquote|God created Himself a body, His Son, and came down and dwelt in that body: God in Christ "Not Me that doeth the works, it's My Father that dwells in me. He shows Me what to do, and I just act in His Presence, in His place." See [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Jhn/Jhn005.html#19 John 5:19] ." [ [ 'We would se Jesus, July 27, 1962] ]

Wm. Branham held that if you were baptised in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost [ [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Mat/Mat028.html#19 Matthew 28:19] ] you were baptized wrongly, and that you had to be re-baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ based on [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Act/Act002.html#38 Acts 2:38] and [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Act/Act019.html#top Acts 19:5] . The Lord Jesus Christ IS the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, he said.Lord (Father), Jesus (Son) and Christ (Holy Ghost).

Branham believed that his ministry was to declare that God was here as in the days of Abraham. He quoted [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Gen/Gen018.html#9 Genesis 18:9-15] as Scriptural support for this statement in that during the appearance to Abraham, God knew what was in Sarah's mind in the tent behind him [
* [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=130435108&advquery=%22seed%20of%20Abraham%20receive%20your%20sign%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={16130}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "God Is His own Interpreter", Voice of God Recordings, Feb 1964]
* [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=696810533&advquery=%22the%20last%20sign%20that%20they%20got%2c%20before%20the%20son%20arrived%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={173A2}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "The Feast of the Trumpets", Voice of God Recordings, July 1964]
] . He believed this foreshadowed the gift of discernement in his own ministry, and is indicated in [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Luk/Luk017.html#28 Luke 17:28-30] . After this supernatural sign was shown to Abraham, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. In the same way, William Branham believed the discernment in his ministry was a sign of the coming judgment on the earth (usually called the Great Tribulation). [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=1027905&advquery=%22And%20the%20Voice%20of%20the%20sign%20was%20to%20Repent%20or%20perish%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={163BF}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "The Voice of the Sign", (Jeffersonville, Indiana: Voice of God Recordings, 1964)] ]

Branham quoted Scriptural support for the significance of his ability to discern people's needs and personal details by referring to the incident of the woman at the well ( [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Jhn/Jhn004.html#16 John 4:16-19] ), and Jesus' greeting of Nathanael ( [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Jhn/Jhn001.html#47 John 1:47-49] ). The validity of Branham's gift of discernment has been questioned by some [ Koch, K. E., "Occult ABC" (Kregel Publications, 1978) p235] , but the noted Pentecostal historian, Walter Hollenweger, who acted as a translator for William Branham in one of his campaigns in Switzerland, stated: "I am not aware of any case in which he was mistaken in the often detailed statements he made" [Hollenweger, W.J., "The Pentecostals", 1972, p354 (quoted in Harrell, op cit, 1978, p38)]

Branham taught that [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Hbr/Hbr001.html#top Hebrews chapter 1] shows God becoming One who could be touched. Touching the man "Jesus" was not touching God, but the very image of God: the 'outraying', the expression of God in His Son ("Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person" [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Hbr/Hbr001.html#top Hebrews 1:3)] "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever" ( [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Hbr/Hbr013.html#8 Hebrews 13:8] ) was a central theme of Branham's preaching. Here in one of his sermons he speaks for himself:Cquote|E-12 And what is fatherhood? Is an attribute of God. Then if we be God's children, then God wants us to love one another. In doing so, we love God. Is that right? We love His Church...Now, how many of you are expecting our Lord Jesus to do a great work with His people here tonight? Let's see your hand. How many of you is praying? Let's see your hand. Now, if you'll pray, if you'll pray, and believe with all your heart, just a simple story of the appearing of this supernatural One... And as I trying to speak this afternoon, you'll draw from It, when you believe in It. Is that right?If Jesus was standing here, the Son of God, He could do no more for you than what He can right now, when you believe it, when you believe it. Faith...

E-13 Some of them come up to Jesus, one time... Do you believe He was a Prophet? Well, they put a rag around His face one day, and smote Him on the head, and said, "If You be a Prophet, tell us who hit you, and then we'll believe you." Jesus didn't clown for no one. He had the will of the Father to do. But yet, He stood and told a woman her sins. He told... He knowed where there was a fish that had a coin in its mouth. He knew where two mules was hitched, where two ways met. Is that right? See? He knew those things, but He didn't clown it for people. See? It was too Divine. It's the Father's will.And now, tonight you might be setting there just for curiosity, and saying, "Well, Brother I just wish you'd turned around tell me something." God will never do that.

E-14 But you get real deeply sincere, and say, "Dear Lord, You know my condition. And that would help my faith so much if You'd just have our brother just turn around here and say something to me. Let it appear a vision by me, that he will tell me, and let me see what's going be my outcome and what my conditions is. Then our heavenly Father, will grant that to you. See? Anywhere in the meeting, any place, He will do it.Be sincere. I can't make Him. I can only ask Him. Are you ready now? All right. [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=301564502&advquery=fatherhood&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={1729}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday, And Today, And Forever (52-0810E)] ]

Branham vehemently believed that the Bible was the infallible Word of God. He stated that anything contrary to the Word of God was Satan's kingdom. [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=301572414&advquery=%22Satan%27s%20kingdom%22%20%20%22Anything%20contrary%20to%20the%20Word%20of%20God%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={10FA2}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "Oneness", Voice of God Recordings, Feb 1962] ] He insisted that everything was based on Scripture, which he said included listening to an angel, another minister, or accepting a church creed. He based everything on the Word of God being fully vindicated.

Branham's doctrine of serpent seed is still regarded as very controversial. He taught that eating the "fruit" in the Garden of Eden was taking heed of the devil's words. This resulted in a sexual union between Eve and the devil-possessed serpent, which produced Cain as a result of their union. [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=477368946&advquery=%22revelation%20of%20the%20Serpent%27s%20seed%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={1900D}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages", (Jeffersonville, Indiana: WBEA, 1965) p98] ] . Branham preached that the Bible says a woman is the "weaker vessel" and he taught them that as Christians, they should wear modest clothing, keep their hair uncut, not teach or preach, and be obedient to their husbands. Men should take their role as head of the house.

Branham predicted (as opposed to prophesying) "that 1977 ought to terminate the world systems and usher in the millennium." [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=105460221&advquery=PREDICT%20prophesy%201977&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={192D0}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages" (Jeffersonville, Indiana: WBEA, 1965) p321-322] ] He explained on several occasions that these were only his words and not the words of God, and that he might quite easily be wrong. [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=696810533&advquery=1977%20%22And%20I%20could%20be%20wrong%22%20%22I%27m%20predicting%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={E36B}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "The Laodicean Church Age", (Jeffersonville Indiana: Voice of God recordings, 1960)] ]

Although William Branham encouraged people to attend the church of their choice, he also spoke strongly against religious organisations. He believed that denominationalism would prove to be the mark of the beast [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=424766422&advquery=denominationalism%20%22mark%20of%20the%20beast%22%20%22organized%20religion%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={17C5A}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "Lean Not Unto Thy Own Understanding", Voice of God Recordings, Jan 1965] .]

Criticism of Branham's ministry has focused not only on doctrinal differences, but on an assumption that he supported astrology [
* [http://www.midwestoutreach.org/journals/branham_tree.html Pement, E., "William Branham: An American Legend", Cornerstone magazine, 1986, Vol. 15, No. 81]
* [ Pohl, A., & Cloud, D. W., "William Branham: Prophet of God?"]
] . This is based on his comment that "God wrote three Bibles" [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=71037&advquery=%22three%20Bibles%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={1D6E}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 "The pillar of Fire", May 1953 (sermon transcript)] ] . He said these were the zodiac (see mazzaroth), the great pyramid and the Holy Bible. He believed the first two predated any written Scripture, and are not for Christians today [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=71037&advquery=%22That%20ain%27t%20your%20Bible%22%20%22that%27s%20not%20your%20Bible%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={16DDA}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 "A Paradox", April 1964 (sermon transcript)] ] .

Branham's legacy and influence

In its February 1961 issue, the "Full Gospel Men's Voice" (now the Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship International) wrote: "In Bible Days, there were men of God who were Prophets and Seers. But in all the Sacred Records, none of these had a greater ministry than that of William Branham ... Branham has been used by God, in the Name of Jesus, to raise the dead!" [
* "Concerning Photograph on Front Cover", The Full Gospel Men's Voice, Feb 1961, p3 (quoted in Harrell, D. E., op cit, p161)
* [http://en.believethesign.com/index.php?title=FGMV-February1961-pg3 Full Gospel Men's Voice, Feb 1961]
] Branham's teachings and notoriety had a profound influence on the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements. Though Branham has been dead since 1965, there are hundreds of thousands around the world who regard him as a prophet, and the fulfillment of [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Mal/Mal004.html#top Malachi 4:5-6] .

It may be difficult to measure Branham's influence on other evangelists in his time period, but he certainly led the way in the pioneering of tent revivals, which would lead into the era of televangelism. Branham is often mentioned as the leader or first revivalist preacher of the second wave of Pentecost that swept the country after World War II [
* Harrell, D.E., op cit, p25.
* Weaver, C.D., op cit, p139
* "Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements", p372.
] (the first wave being Charles Fox Parham, William J. Seymour, and others). Among those who began around the same time as Branham, and part of the Second Wave of Pentecostalism (late 1940s to the mid 1950s), were Jack Coe, Oral Roberts, and A.A. Allen. It is interesting to note that Branham was one of the first "faith" preachers and evangelists who not only preached a latter day visitation of Gods Spirit, but also emphasized faith for healing, as did Coe, Roberts and Allen [ [ Anderson, A. "The Origins, Growth, and Significance of the Pentecostal Movements in the Third World", Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham B29 6LQ, England] ] .

D.R. McConnell, although a critic of William Branham's teaching, expressed this opinion about his ministry:"Branham, one of the original and greatests evangelists of the post-World War II Healing Revival. Branham worked astounding miracles of healing in his crusades. To this day his gifts of supernatural knowledge of those to whom he ministered remains unparalleled, even among modern healing evangelists". [McConnell, D. R., "A Different Gospel" (Peabody, MA: Hendickson Publishers Inc., 1988) p166]

Andrew Strom, another theologian who disagreed with Branham doctrinally, nevertheless concluded: "William Branham was another evangelist mid-way through last century who was mightily used of God for a number of years. In fact, there can be little doubt that he was endued with power to a degree that has rarely been seen since the days of the apostles." [ [ Strom, A., "Great Healing Revivalists: The Enigma of William Branham", 1996] . Retrieved 27 Sep 2007.]

The "Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements" contains these comments: "The person universally acknowledged as the [WW11] revivals `fatherand `pacesetterwas William Branham. The sudden appearance of his miraculous healing campaigns in 1946 set off a spiritual explosion in the Pentecostal movement which was to move to Main Street, U.S.A., by the 1950s and give birth to the broader charismatic movement in the 1960s, which currently affects almost every denomination in the country" [Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1988) p372] Today, there are an estimated 500 million Pentecostal and Charismatic Christians in the world. [
* Hollenweger, W. J., "Pentecostalism: Origins and Developments Worldwide" (Peabody: Hendrickson, 1997) p1
* [http://artsweb.bham.ac.uk/aanderson/Main/MODULES.htm "History of Global Pentecostalism", Department of Theology and Religion, University of Birmingham.]

Current Followers Beliefs

Those who follow the teachings of William Branham today are sometimes called 'Branhamites' by others, though they usually prefer to be known simply as 'Christians' or 'Message Believers', Some of the world wide fellowships maintain contact and visits but they do not identify themselves as a denomination. The whole Bible is accepted as divinely inspired, generally preferring the King James version. They believe that William Branham was a 'Word prophet', and that his spoken and written words are the complete and correct interpretation of the Bible necessary for the "Bride" before the Rapture. [
* [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=696810533&advquery=Church.Age.Book%20Bride%20Church%20rapture&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={18F44}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "The Revelation of Jesus Christ", An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, Jeffersonville, Indiana: WBEA, 1965) p40]
* [http://www.branham.org/branhamdefault.asp?Home=CTV&LoadPageDetail=02-GladYouAsked.htm&dir=12_2004%20June Branham, Joseph., "Glad You Asked", (Jeffersonville, Indiana: Voice of God recordings)]
] The primary Scriptures used to identify William Branham's ministry are: [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Mal/Mal004.html#top Malachi 4:5-6] ; [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Luk/Luk017.html#28 Luke 17:28-30] ; [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Rev/Rev003.html#14 Rev 3:14] ; [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Rev/Rev010.html#7 Rev 10:7] and [http://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/Eph/Eph001.html Eph 1:17] .

Location and Size of Following

The followers of William Branham tend to distance themselves from controversial exclusiveness and maintain their homes in their communities. There is no headquarters. These churches have no membership or members and have little, if any, organisation. William Branham sums this by saying: "We're no denomination. We have no law but love, no creed but Christ, no book but the Bible: no membership; just fellowship through the Blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses us from all unbelief". [ [http://nt.scbbs.com/cgi-bin/om_isapi.dll?clientID=477365402&advquery=%22We%27re%20no%20denomination.%20We%20have%20no%20law%20but%20love%2c%20no%20creed%20but%20Christ%2c%20no%20book%20but%20the%20Bible%3a%20no%20membership%3b%20just%20fellowship%20through%20the%20Blood%20of%20Jesus%20Christ%20that%20cleanses%20us%20from%20all%20unbelief.%22&infobase=message2006.nfo&record={12FCD}&softpage=Browse_Frame_Pg42 Branham, W. M., "Why I'm Against Organized Religion", (Jeffersonville, Indiana: Voice of God Recordings, 1962). ] ]

The major distributor of materials related to William Branham's ministry (usually referred to as the Message) is Voice of God Recordings located in Jeffersonville, Indiana. They currently produce printed, audio and video materials in a total of 57 languages [ [http://www.branham.org/BranhamDefault.asp?Home=Blog_pages&LoadPageDetail=Paper_101607.htm "Paper", 10/16/2007, Voice of God Recordings, Jeffersonville, Indiana] ] with direct mailings to 177 countries [ [http://www.branham.org/BranhamDefault.asp?Home=VGR&LoadPageDetail=VGR.htm Voice of God Recordings, 12/14/2007] ] . Bible Believers Missions based in British Columbia also conduct an extensive international outreach with Message materials. [ [http://www.bibleway.org/missions/reports/default.asp Bible Believers Missions] ]

The largest concentration of Christians following William Branham is in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where it is estimated that there are some 750,000 followers [ [http://www.branham.org/BranhamDefault.asp?Home=Blog_pages&LoadPageDetail=FrenchPrinting_121907.htm "French Printing", Voice of God Recordings, Jeffersonville, Indiana] Retrieved 22 Dec 2007] . Large groups are existent in Trinidad (one congregation in excess of 2,000 people), Vancouver, Canada (around 900 in one congregation), and Harare, Zimbabwe (Close to 7000), Johnson City, Tennessee (600 Members) , Iran ( About 200 Members) as well as many other places. There are numerous churches following William Branham's message in the United States and around the world. [
* [http://www.wmb1.com/de/~diego/ChurchSitesA.shtml Church Sites (click on world map)]
* [http://www.believethesign.com/impact.htm "World Wide Impact", Believe the Sign]

Believers Christian Fellowship in Lima, Ohio operates 'Global Answers' which provides movies, books and other material. In the summer they hold a week-long family camp, with thousands of people from all over the world attending. [ [http://www.bcfellowship.org Believers Christian Fellowship] ]

In recent times, the Message of William Branham has begun to take a foothold in China. [ [http://www.branham.org/branhamdefault.asp?Home=CTV&LoadPageDetail=01-China.htm&dir=18_2007%20May "The Far East", Voice of God Recordings.] ]

Branham's followers should not be viewed as entirely monolithic as beliefs and interpretations of Branham's teachings vary somewhat between groups.

In Latin America Branham's teachings are also being spread rapidly. [ [http://www.amissions.com/engindex.html Latin America Missions] ]


ee also

*The Message of the Hour
*Serpent seed
*Believers Church
*Pearry Green
*Bernabe Gonzalez Garcia
* [http://www.SpokenWordChurch.com Spoken Word Church] "Spoken Word Church, Sermons & Videos of William Branham"
* Healing Revival

External links

* [http://www.livingwordbroadcast.org 24/7 Broadcast of William M. Branham's Sermon Audio]
* [http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&id=Ks-Sa1mSnI8C&dq=all+things+are+possible+harrell&printsec=frontcover&source=web&ots=E4bH-qeHPY&sig=3_4mwYh8wuiPtGnHBEBgPUdxr_M&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=1&ct=result "All Things Are Possible: The Healing and Charismatic Revivals in America"] Quotes from Professor Edwin Harrell's book which has been used as a frequent reference throughout this article.
* [http://www.believethesign.com "Believe The Sign] - A multimedia introduction to the Ministry of William Branham "
* [http://www.cmpp.ch Brochures des prédications de William Branham gratuites en langue française]
* [http://media.cla.auburn.edu/history/alumni/bios/harrell_ed.htm "David Edwin Harrell,Jnr: Profile", Department of History, Auburn University] . Author of "All Things are Possible: The Healing and Charismatic Revivals in America". (Retrieved 28 Sep 2007)
* [http://williambranham.free.fr Eyewitnesses Testimonies] "also French translations in LIVE style"
* [http://www.freie-volksmission.de Free Peoples Mission Krefeld Inc.]
* [http://www.thefreeword.com The Free Word] "Library of the sermons of William Marrion Branham in both audio and text format"
* [http://www.bethel-tab.org/table2.htm The Table Online: Sermons by William M. Branham.]

* [http://www.branham.org#wbmpage Voice of God Recordings]
* [http://www.williambranhamenmexico.com William Branham en Mexico La Simiente Esta Viva 2008]
* [http://www.biblebelievers.org/genindex.htm#wbmpage William Branham home page ]
* [http://christbranham.com William Branham is the Christ]
* [http://www.williambranham.com William Branham Website & Forum]
* [http://WMB1.com WMB1.com :: William Branham Legacy ]
* [http://youngfoundations.org Young Foundations]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aw4tHTgQVt8&feature=related YouTube -- Reverend Branham's Television Interview]

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  • William Marrion Branham — Portrait 1955 Naissance 6 avril 1909 Kentucky Décès 24 décembr …   Wikipédia en Français

  • William marrion branham — (Kentucky 6 avril 1909 Texas 24 décembre 1965) est un pasteur américain influent au sein des églises pentecôtistes américaines, quoiqu il refusât d appartenir à ces organisations. Il est parfois considéré comme le fondateur du …   Wikipédia en Français

  • William M. Branham — Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt bedarf einer Überarbeitung. Näheres ist auf der Diskussionsseite angegeben. Hilf mit, ihn zu verbessern, und entferne anschließend diese Markierung. William Marrion Branham (* 6. April 1909 in Kentucky; † 24.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • William Marrion Branham — Dieser Artikel oder Abschnitt bedarf einer Überarbeitung. Näheres ist auf der Diskussionsseite angegeben. Hilf mit, ihn zu verbessern, und entferne anschließend diese Markierung. William Marrion Branham (* 6. April 1909 in Kentucky; † 24.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • William Marrion Branham — Existen desacuerdos sobre la neutralidad en el punto de vista de la versión actual de este artículo o sección. En la página de discusión puedes consultar el debate al respecto …   Wikipedia Español

  • William Branham — William Marrion Branham (* 6. April 1909 in Kentucky; † 24. Dezember 1965) war ein US amerikanischer christlicher Prediger und eine der Hauptpersonen der Erweckung, die 1947 in der Pfingstbewegung begann. Heiligung, Krankenheilung sowie… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • William Branham — William Marrion Branham William Marrion Branham (Kentucky 6 avril 1909 Texas 24 décembre 1965) est un pasteur américain influent au sein des églises pentecôtistes américaines, quoiqu il refusât d appartenir à ces organisations …   Wikipédia en Français

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