Ivar Afzelius

Ivar Afzelius

Ivar Afzelius (1848-1921) was a Swedish jurist and politician.

Having studied law at the universities of Uppsala, Leipzig and Göttingen, he was appointed to teach at Uppsala in 1879. 1891-1902 he was a judge on the Swedish Supreme Court, 1898-1903 and 1905-15 a member of the Riksdag, whose first chamber, the Senate, he presided in 1913-15. Since 1905, he was a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, and president of the court tribunal (Svea) in 1910-18.

Afzelius is remembered as a precursor of a pan-Scandinavic legislative endeavour, especially the laws of the sea. He has been characterised as the prototype of an idealistic jurist in the liberal state. Still, he sought to link Swedish legal traditions to modern (especially German) dogmatic thought, whose reception in Sweden was strongly furthered by his authority.


* cite book |last= Modéer |first= Kjell Åke |pages= 20 | chapter= Ivar Afzelius
editor= Michael Stolleis (ed.) |title= Juristen: ein biographisches Lexikon; von der Antike bis zum 20. Jahrhundert |edition= 2nd edition |year= 2001 |publisher= Beck |location= München |language= German |id= ISBN 3406 45957 9

teachers=Bernhard Windscheid

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