- The Matrix Comics
"The Matrix Comics" is a collection of short
comic book stories set in the fictional universe of "The Matrix" series. Originally presented aswebcomic s on the series' official website, [http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/rl_cmp/comics_new_front.html] the stories have since been featured in two printed volumes published by theWachowski Brothers ' companyBurlyman Entertainment .The comics' editor was Spencer Lamm. The Wachowski Brothers, the creators of "The Matrix" series, contributed one script to the project, "Bits and Pieces of Information", aspects of which were later included in "
The Animatrix " short animated film "The Second Renaissance ".tories
In addition, several comics did not appear online, and were only available in the two printed volumes of "The Matrix Comics".
ee also
Burlyman Entertainment
*Simulated reality
*List of comics based on films References
External links
* [http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/rl_cmp/comics_new_front.html Comics section] of [http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/ the official "Matrix" website]
* [http://www.burlymanentertainment.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=MC The Matrix Comics section] of the Burlyman Entertainment Shop
* [http://www.matrix-wn.net.ua Official site] of non-profit independent short movie, based on "Wrong Number" comics
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