Polyméthine — Les polyméthines constituent une classe de colorants possédant le motif (CH=CH )n. Sommaire 1 Structure 1.1 Streptopolyméthines cyanés 1.2 Streptopolyméthine oxonol … Wikipédia en Français
polymethine — |pälē, lə̇+ adjective Etymology: poly + methine : consisting of or containing a series of methylidyne groups polymethine chain … Useful english dictionary
polymethine dye — polimetininis dažiklis statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Dažiklis, kurio molekulėje yra nelyginis skaičius metino grupių ir elektronų donorinių bei akceptorinių pakaitų. atitikmenys: angl. polymethine dye rus. полиметиновый краситель … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
polymethine — noun A compound made up from an odd number of methine groups bound together by alternating single and double bonds … Wiktionary
polymethine — poly·methine … English syllables
polymethine dye — noun : any of a class of dyes (as cyanines or merocyanines) characterized by a resonance structure containing a conjugated chain of carbon atoms that is at least in part an open chain [as in −CH( = CH−CH)n = ] attached to two polar atoms (as two… … Useful english dictionary
Cyanine — is a non systematic name of a synthetic dye family belonging to polymethine group. Cyanines have many uses as fluorescent dyes, particularly in biomedical imaging. Depending on the structure, they cover the spectrum from IR to UV. Cyanines were… … Wikipedia
Anthocyanidin — Not to be confused with Anthocyanin, their sugar containing counterparts. Anthocyanidins are sugar free counterparts of anthocyanins, can be identified based on the structure of a large group of polymethine dye, the benzopyrylium (chromenylium)… … Wikipedia
Hückel method — The Hückel method or Hückel molecular orbital method (HMO) proposed by Erich Hückel in 1930, is a very simple linear combination of atomic orbitals molecular orbitals (LCAO MO) method for the determination of energies of molecular orbitals of pi… … Wikipedia
Achim Mehlhorn — 2009 Achim Mehlhorn (* 22. Februar 1939 in Rabenstein, Kreis Chemnitz) ist ein deutscher Chemiker. Von 1994 bis 2003 war er Rektor der Technischen Universität Dresden und leitete von 2006 bis 2010 als Präsident die private Dresden International… … Deutsch Wikipedia