Gianduja (commedia dell'arte)

Gianduja (commedia dell'arte)

Gianduja is one of the masks of the Italian Commedia dell'Arte, typically representing the town of Turin (and Piedmont in general).

The mask depicts an honest peasant of Piedmontese countryland, with a certain inclination for wine, gastronomy and beautiful girls, while strictly faithful to his lover Giacometta, who is usually represented by a cute girl.

His origins are in Callianetto, a county between Turin and Asti, and his name in Piedmontese dialect sounds "Gian d'la dojia" (it is pronounced "Jan dla duhya") which means something like "John the pottering man." 'Duja' is the carafe + sink usually installed inside the bedroom in 1800 AD. In Commedia dell'Arte 'John' is popular. Every woman knows him and Giacometta, his girlfriend, always becomes jealous.

He is dressed (in the usual version) with a tricorn hat and a brown jacket with red borders. Personality-wise, he always has a happy humour.

The character of Gianduja was originally created as a marionette and is now Turin's official "king of the Carnival".

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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