

Polk may refer to:


*Albert Fawcett Polk (1869–1955), American lawyer and United States representative from Delaware
*Aysia Polk (born 1990), American actress
*Charles Polk, Jr. (1788–1857), American farmer and politician
*DaShon Polk (born 1977), American football player
*Ezekiel Polk (1747–1824), American surveyor, soldier, pioneer and grandfather to James K. Polk, President Of The United States
*Frank Polk (1871–1943), lawyer, name partner of Davis Polk & Wardwell
*George Polk (1913–1948), American journalist for CBS murdered in Greece
*Hiram Polk (born 1936), American surgeon and thoroughbred horse racing enthusiast
*James G. Polk (1896–1959), United States representative from Ohio
*James K. Polk (1795–1849), 11th President of the United States of America
*Leonidas Polk (1806–1864), American bishop, Confederate general, planter, and third cousin to U.S. President James K. Polk
*Leonidas Lafayette Polk (1837–1892), American farmer, journalist and political figure
*Oscar Polk (1899–1949), American actor who starred in "Gone with the Wind"
*Polk Miller (c.1840–1913), American pharmacist, musician, and Confederate soldier from Richmond/Bon Air, Virginia
*Rufus King Polk (1866–1902), United States representative from Pennsylvania
*Sarah Childress Polk (1803–1891), wife of James K. Polk
*Shawntinice Polk (1983–2005), American basktetball player
*Susan Polk (born 1957), American murderer
*Trusten Polk (1811–1876), American Governor, Confederate Army officer, and United States Senator
*Willis Polk (1867–1924), American architect most well known for his work in San Francisco, California.


*Fort Polk, United States Army base located in Leesville, Louisiana (ZIP code: 71459)
*Fort Polk North, Louisiana, a census-designated locale in Vernon Parish, Louisiana, United States
*Fort Polk South, Louisiana, a census-designated locale in Vernon Parish, Louisiana, United States
*Polk Centre Township, Minnesota is a township in Pennington County, Minnesota, United States
*Polk (CTA), a train station in Illinois (part of the Chicago Transit Authority rail system)
*Polk Home, sole surviving residence of U.S. President James K. Polk. Located in Columbia, Tennessee
*Polk, Illinois, an unincorporated community in the United States
*Polk, Missouri, an unincorporated community in the United States
*Polk, Nebraska, a village in the United States
*Polk, Ohio, a village in the United States
*Polk, Pennsylvania, a borough in the United States
*Polk, Wisconsin, a town in the United States
*Polk Hotel, a historic hotel in the United States. Located in Haines City, Florida
*James Knox Polk Hall (1844 – 1915), United States representative from Pennsylvania


*George Polk Awards, American journalism award in honor of aforementioned slain journalist
*USS James K. Polk (SSBN-645), the submarine named in honour of aforementioned POTUS
*Polk High, the fictional high-school in Married With Children, which Al Bundy attended, in honour of aforementioned POTUS
*Davis Polk & Wardwell, American law firm based in New York
*Polk Audio, American audio equipment manufacturer
*North Polk High School, United States school district (located between Ames, Iowa and Des Moines, Iowa)
*Southeast Polk Community School District, United States school district (located east of Des Moines, Iowa)
*They Might Be Giants wrote a song called "James K Polk" which explains the circumstances around his election and the accomplishments of his administration.
*in Eeastern European armies, a spelling version of the polk/pułk (regiment), see also polkovnyk

See also

*Pokeweed - "Polk Salad"
*List of places named for James K. Polk
*Polk City
*Polk County
*Polk County Courthouse
*Sigmar Polke (born 1941), German artist
*William Polk

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  • Polk — ist: ein Militärstützpunkt der US Armee in Louisiana, siehe Fort Polk Polk ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Albert F. Polk (1869–1955), US amerikanischer Politiker Charles Polk (1788–1857), US amerikanischer Politiker James G. Polk… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • Polk, NE — U.S. village in Nebraska Population (2000): 322 Housing Units (2000): 190 Land area (2000): 0.489090 sq. miles (1.266738 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.489090 sq. miles (1.266738 sq. km) FIPS… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

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  • Polk, PA — U.S. borough in Pennsylvania Population (2000): 1031 Housing Units (2000): 209 Land area (2000): 1.941519 sq. miles (5.028510 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.011855 sq. miles (0.030705 sq. km) Total area (2000): 1.953374 sq. miles (5.059215 sq. km)… …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

  • Polk — der; s, Plur. s, auch e <aus russ. polk, vgl. 1↑Pulk> svw. 1↑Pulk …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

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