- Rodolfo Almirón
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to the bottom of [fullurl:Wikipedia:Pages_needing_translation_into_English|action=edit§ion=3 Pages needing translation into English] .Rodolfo Almirón Sena (1935-Present) is an Argentine and former police officer who was one of the leaders of an extreme right-wing death squad called Triple A, that operated throughout the 1970s. The group is held responsible for 1,500 murders of government opponents, and Almiron is charged with being one of the chiefs and organizers of the squad. After fleeing away from the country in 1975 with the help of
José Lopez Rega , the founder of the Triple A and minister ofJuan Peron , he became in SpainManuel Fraga Iribarne 's chief of personal security [http://www.guardian.co.uk/argentina/story/0,,1980086,00.html 'Argentinian death squad leader' arrested in Spain] , "The Guardian ", December 30, 2006 ] . His presence in Spain was kept secret until 2006 in order to protect thePopular Alliance 's image, precursor of the current conservative "Partido Popular " . "El Mundo " newspaper located him in December 2006, living in Torrent in a flat paid by the "Communidad Valenciana " region, and interviewed him on December 17.Almirón had been dismissed from the Argentinian federal police because of criminal acquaintances. But he was reintegrated by José Lopez Rega, who affected him to his and
Isabel Perón 's personal guard [http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2006/12/28/internacional/1167325991.html Detienen en Valencia al ex dirigente de la Triple A argentina Almirón Sena] , "El Mundo ", December 28, 2006 es icon ] .He was present during the
Montejurra 1976 massacre against left-wingCarlists , in whichStefano Delle Chiaie had also participated. According to Spanish lawyer José Angel Pérez Nievas, it is also "probable that Almirón participated — along with Stefano Delle Chiaie andAugusto Canchi — in the 1980 bombing in Bologna's train station." The lawyer presented to the Spanish justice, in the name of the "Partido Carlista de Euskalherria-EKA " (victims of the Montejurra events), a demand to have him also judged for the Montejurra crimes [ [http://www.telam.com.ar/vernota.php?tipo=N&idPub=48460&id=123482&dis=1&sec=1 Denuncian que Almirón también participó en la ultraderecha española] , "Telam " Argentine news agency, January 6, 2007 es icon ] . He was also bodyguard of the prime minister Felipe Gonzalez and coach of the Presidential guardians of Spain.Almirón had first been located in Spain in 1983 working for Manuel Fraga's security, which raised public indignation and his subsequent dismissal .
He was arrested in
Spain on December 29th 2006, on murder charges that will be tried in Argentina, after an Argentine judge charged him ofcrimes against humanity , thus making them unbounded from any prescription. He is accused of the murder of Argentinian deputyRodolfo Ortega Peña , formerBonaerense police chiefJulio Tomás Troxler , university teacherSilvio Frondizi (brother ofArturo Frondizi , former Argentinian president) and his son-in-lawLuis Ángel Mendiburu .References
See also
Montejurra External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.