

Sarna may refer to father or son:

* Nahum Sarna, Bible scholar
* Jonathan Sarna, historian

In science, saRNA refers to a type of RNA molecule:
* SaRNA, small activating RNA

Sarna may also mean:
* Sarna (religion), the religious beliefs held by tribes in the state of Jharkhand, India, and other central Indian states

The tribals have their own way of conscience, faith and belief. Basically, they believe in the super natural spirit called theSingbonga’. ‘According to the belief of the Santhal community, the world is inhabited by numerous spiritual beings of different kind; and the Santhals consider themselves as living and doing everything in close association with these supernatural beings.’ They perform rituals under the Sal trees at a place calledJaher’ (sacred grove). Often theJahercan be found in the forests. They believe in Bongas appearance in Sal trees and have named their religion asSarna’.

The genesis of theSarnareligion is interesting. According to the mythology of the Santhal community, theSanthal tribals had gone to the forest for hunting and they started the discussion about theirCreator and Saviorwhile they were taking rest under a tree. They questioned themselves that who is their God? Whether the Sun, the Wind or the Cloud? Finally, they came to a conclusion that they would leave an arrow in the sky and wherever the arrow would target that will be the Gods house. They left an arrow in the sky; it fell down under a Sal tree. Then, they started worshiping the Sal tree and named their religion asSarnabecause it is derived from a Sal tree.4 Thus, Sarna religion came into existence. There are priests and an assistant priests called "Naikey" and "Kudam Naike" in every Santhal village.

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