

Infobox Film
name = Labou

imdb_id = 0756673
producer = Sheri Bryant
writer = Greg Aronowitz (story)
Sheri Bryant and Greg Aronowitz (screenplay)
starring = Chris Violette
Monica May
Kelson Henderson
Barnie Duncan
Marissa Cuevas
Darnel Hamilton
Bryan James Kitto
director = Greg Aronowitz
distributor = MGM
runtime = 98 min.
language = English
music = Nathan Wang
awards = Best of Fest 24th Chicago Children's Film Festival
budget = $1 Million est.
website =

"Labou" is an unreleased, independent movie produced in 2005-2006 by Sheri Bryant and written and directed by Greg Aronowitz. Greg Aronowitz was heavily involved with and directed many of the episodes. [cite web|url =|title = "Power Rangers S.P.D." (2005) - Full cast and crew|publisher = Internet Movie Database|accessdate = 2008-08-25] Many of the same actors that appeared in that season of Power Rangers are also seen in Labou, including Chris Violette, Kelson Henderson, Barnie Duncan and Monica May.

Production was interrupted by Hurricane Katrina, forcing the cast and crew to abandon production and return early 2006. [cite web|url =|title = 'Labou' productions begins again in N.O.|author = Richard A. Webster|publisher = New Orleans CityBusiness via FindArticles|date = 2006-01-05|accessdate = 2008-08-25] The film has a dedication at the end to the people of New Orleans.

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin stars in Labou as the Mayor of New Orleans.

Drew Struzan designed the film's poster and the website was created by Ian J. Duncan. [cite web|url =|title = Ian James Duncan|publisher = Internet Movie Database|accessdate = 2008-08-25]

Plot summary

Three unlikely friends set out on a journey to find the dreaded Ghost of Captain LeRouge whose treasure laden ship was lost in the Louisiana bayou over two hundred years ago. What they find is an adventure beyond their wildest imagination and the magical swamp creature "Labou" whose whistles are rumored to be the original inspiration for jazz.

With the help of Labou, the kids race to stay one step ahead of two crazy oil tycoons and discover the long lost treasure in time to save the swamps from destruction.


External links

* [ Official website]
*imdb title|id=0756673|title=Labou

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