Ismael Laguna

Ismael Laguna

Ismael Laguna Meneses (born June 28, 1943, in Colon, Panama) was a professional boxer. He was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 2001.

Known as "El Tigre Colonense", Laguna was the Panamanian Featherweight Champion from 1962-63. He later was the World Lightweight Champion in 1965 and later regained the belt in 1970, but he was stripped of his WBC title prior to losing the WBA Title to Ken Buchanan)

Laguna also lost 15 round decisions in two other bids to regain his lightweight title, in 1967 against Carlos Ortiz, and in 1971 to Ken Buchanan. He retired after the loss to Buchanon in 1971.

Other Honors

*Inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame (2001).
*Inducted into the World Boxing Hall of Fame (1999).

External links

* International Boxing Hall of Fame [ Bio]

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