Sidecar TT

Sidecar TT

The Sidecar TT is a motorcycle sidecar road race that takes place during the Isle of Man TT festival; an annual event at the end of May and beginning of June. Between 1954 and 1976 this race was part of the Grand Prix motorcycle racing season.

Engine capacity

The 1923 Isle of Man TT was the first time the Sidecar TT race was run over 3 laps (113 miles) of the Mountain Course and was won by Freddie Dixon and passenger Walter Perry with a special Douglas banking-sidecar at an average race speed of 53.15 mph. For the 1926 Isle of Man TT Races the Sidecar TT and Ultra-Lightweight TT where dropped for the lack of entries.

The Sidecar TT Race was re-introduced for the 1954 Isle of Man TT Race for Sidecars not exceeding 500cc engine capacity and the Sidecar TT Race was run on the Clypse Course. A non-championship 750cc class for sidecars was introduced for the 1968 Isle of Man TT Race. For the 1976 Isle of Man TT Race the event became a race held over two-legs. From 1975, the previous 500cc and 750 classes for Sidecars was replaced by a 1000cc engine capacity class. The new FIM Formula 2 class for Sidecars was introduced for the 1990 Isle of Man TT.

* 1954-1959 Side-Cars not exceeding 500cc engine capacity. Race held on Clypse Course.
* 1960-1976 World Championship Event held on Mountain Course.
* 1968-1974 Non-Championship event for Sidecars not exceeding 750cc.
* 1975-1989 Sidecars not exceeding 1000cc engine capacity.
* 1990- FIM Formula 2 Sidecar race for two-stoke engines not exceeding 350cc or four-stroke engines not exceeding 600cc.

peed and lap records

The lap record for the Sidecar TT is 19 minutes and 24.24 seconds at an average speed of 116.667 mph set by Nick Crowe and passenger Daniel Sayle during 2007 Sidecar Race B. The race record for the Sidecar TT is 59 minutes and 6.39 seconds an average race speed of 114.91 mph for 3 laps (113.00 miles) of the Mountain Course held by Dave Molyneux and Daniel Sayle during the 2005 Sidecar Race B. ["TT News 2005" Issue 3 - Isle of Man Newspapers]

idecar TT Race Winners

* *Indicates Sidecar TT wins on the Clypse Course.

idecar TT Race Winners by Marque


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