

Fernand Joseph Désiré Contandin (May 8, 1903 – February 26, 1971), better known as Fernandel, was a French actor and singer. Born in Marseille, France, he was a comedy star who first gained popularity in French vaudeville, operettas, and music-hall revues.

In 1930, Fernandel appeared in his first motion picture and for more than forty years he would be France's top comedic actor. He was perhaps best-loved for his portrayal of the irascible Italian village priest at war with the town's communist mayor in the "Don Camillo" series of motion pictures. His horse-like teeth became part of his trademark.

He also appeared in Italian and American films. His first Hollywood motion picture was fy|1956's "Around the World in Eighty Days" in which he played David Niven's coachman. His popular performance in that film led to starring with Bob Hope and Anita Ekberg in the fy|1958 comedy, "Paris Holiday".

In addition to acting, Fernandel also directed or co-produced several of his own films.

Fernandel died from lung cancer and is buried in the Cimetière de Passy, Paris, France.


In The Stranger by Albert Camus, Meursault and his female friend Marie Cardona watch a movie starring Fernandel.

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