Brongniartia (trilobite)

Brongniartia (trilobite)

"Brongniartia" has been used at least twice as the name for a genus of trilobites:
*"Brongniartia isotelea" Eaton,ref|B.isot identical to "Isotelus gigas" Dekay,ref|I.gigas family Asaphidae
*"Brongniartia trilobitoides" J. Eights,ref|B.trib now known as "Serolis trilobitoides" (Eights), Audouin & H. M. Edwardsref|S.trib


# Eaton, A. (1832). "Geological text-book, for aiding the study of North American geology; being a systematic arrangement of facts, collected by the author and his pupils..." Albany, NY: Webster and Skinners. p. 33, pl. 2, fig. 12.
# Dekay, J.E. (1824). "Observations on the structure of trilobites, and description of an apparently new genus. With notes on the geology of Trenton Falls by J. Renwick". "Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. N. Y." 1:174–89. pl. 12, figs. 1 & 2; pl. 13, fig. 1.
# Eights, J. (1833). "Description of a new Crustaceous Animal found on the Shores of the South Shetland Islands, with Remarks on their Natural History". "Trans. Albany Inst." II(1):53.
# Audouin, J.-V.; Edwards, H.M. (1840). "Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. (Paris)" II [1] :29.

External links

* [ Images and description of "Isotelus gigas"]
* [ The Reincarnation of James Eights, Antarctic Explorer]

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