- 428 BC
By place
* The chief city of Lesbos,
Mytilene , revolts against Athenian rule. TheSparta n admiral,Alcidas , leads 40 Peloponnesian alliance ships with the aim of assisting the inhabitants of Mytilene. However, the rebellion by Mytilene is crushed before his forces can arrive.
* Despite encouragement from theIonia n leaders to engage the Athenians, Alcidas declines. Rather, Alcidas leads his fleet toCyllene where the Spartans resolve to strengthen the fleet and send it toCorcyra where a revolution has broken out. Spartan leaders,Brasidas and Alcidas, then defeat a fleet of Corcyran ships. However, they retire when word reaches them that 60 Athenian ships fromLeucas under the command ofEurymedon have been dispatched to intercept them.Italy
* The Greek colony of
Cumae inItaly falls to theSamnites , who begin to take control of theCampania n plain.By topic
Euripides ' play "Hippolytus" is performed in theDionysia competition, the famous Athenian dramatic festival. The play is awarded first prize.
*Sophocles writes "Oedipus the King ".Births
Archytas , Greek philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, statesman, and strategist (d.347 BC )Deaths
Anaxagoras , Greek philosopher (b. c.500 BC )
*Lars Tolumnius , Etruscan King ofVeii (killed in battle)
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