Otto Mencke

Otto Mencke
Otto Mencke

Otto Mencke
Born 22 March 1644(1644-03-22)
Oldenburg, County of Oldenbrurg
Died 18 January 1707(1707-01-18) (aged 62)
Leipzig, Electorate of Saxony
Residence Germany
Nationality German
Fields Philosopher and mathematician
Institutions University of Leipzig
Alma mater University of Leipzig
Doctoral advisor Jakob Thomasius
Doctoral students Christian Michelmann
Johann Christoph Wichmannshausen
Known for Acta Eruditorum
He is the father of Johann Burchard Mencke.

Otto Mencke (1644  – 1707) was a 17th-century German philosopher and scientist. He obtained his doctorate at the University of Leipzig in 1666 with a thesis entitled: Ex Theologia naturali — De Absoluta Dei Simplicitate, Micropolitiam, id est Rempublicam In Microcosmo Conspicuam.

He is notable as being the founder of the very first scientific journal in Germany, established 1682, entitled: Acta Eruditorum. He was a professor of moral philosophy at the University of Leipzig, but is more famous for his scientific genealogy that produced a fine lineage of mathematicians that includes notables such as Carl Friedrich Gauss and David Hilbert.

The Mathematics Genealogy Project database records as many as 49,890 (as of August 2009) mathematicians and other scientists in his lineage. The Philosophy Family Tree records 535 philosophers in his lineage as of May 2010."The Philosophy Family Tree". 

Isaac Newton and Mencke were in correspondence in 1693.

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