John M. Budarz

John M. Budarz

John M. Budarz (23 August 1906–1994) was a Polish-American activist, lawyer, and philanthropist. He was an aficionado of gardening and classical music. [cite web | title =John M. Budarz | work = [ Pinkowski Files - A Data Base of American Polonia] | publisher =Pinkowski Institute | url = | accessdate =2007-10-10]

Born in Windsor, Connecticut, graduate of Norwich University in Vermont (class of 1925) and the Law School of Duquesne University (class of 1933) in Pittsburgh. One of the founders, long time officer, treasurer and twice president of the Polish Arts League of Pittsburgh. He worked in the insurance business and the Consulate of the Republic of Poland (1921-1945). He was active in the American Council of Polish Cultural Clubs, serving as a vice-president, treasurer and chairman of several committees. [cite web | title =Budarz, John M. | work =Connecticut Polish American Archives | publisher =Elihu Burritt Library, Central Connecticut State University | url = | accessdate =2007-10-10]


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