

:"For the slang term for Rotisserie Baseball, see Fantasy Baseball."Roto" or "rota" (literally "broken") is a Chilean term, considered derogatory, which refers to a person of poverty and vulgar habits of urban origin. It is also used contemptuously to refer to inhabitants of Chile, especially in Peru and Bolivia. In Chile from the start of the 20th century it was used with a negative classist connotation in reference to poor city-dwellers.

The historical origin of the use of the term could be, as much in Chile as in Peru and Bolivia, in the war fought by Chile against the Peru-Bolivian Confederation. Chilean troops defeated the confederation at the Battle of Yungay on 20 January 1839. As most of the victors (as recruits of the Chilean army) were poor, the defeated troops called the Chileans "rotos". In Chile tributes were paid to the victors of Yungay and in a gesture of recognition, 20th January was instituted as the "Día del Roto Chileno" (Day of the Chilean "Roto"). In addition, it is indirectly commemorated in the Hymn of Yungay, since in its era national identity was perceived as being consolidated.

The British equivalent is a yobbo.

Historical Usage

The term roto has been used in Peru since the times of the Spanish conquest, when Diego de Almagro's disappointed troops returned to Cuzco (after a failed gold-seeking expedition in Chile) with their torn clothes, due to the extensive and laborious passage on foot through the Atacama desert. This term became more used after the Chilean campaigns against the Peru-Bolivian Confederacy in 1839 and the War of the Pacific (1879-84).

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