Faccia a faccia

Faccia a faccia

Infobox Film
name = Faccia a faccia

caption = Japanese DVD cover for Faccia a faccia.
director = Sergio Sollima
producer = Arturo González
Alberto Grimaldi
writer = Sergio Sollima
Sergio Donati
starring = Gian Maria Volonté
Tomas Milian
William Berger
music = Ennio Morricone
cinematography= Emilio Foriscot
Rafael Pacheco
released = November 23, 1967
runtime = 108 min.
country = Italy, Spain
language = Italian, Spanish
imdb_id = 0061636

"Faccia a faccia" (Spanish title: "Cara a cara", English title: "Face to Face") is a spaghetti western film written and directed by the Italian film director Sergio Sollima in 1967. The film stars Gian Maria Volonté and Tomas Milian, and features a musical score by Ennio Morricone.

Faccia a faccia is the second of Sollima's three westerns, following "La resa dei conti" ("The Big Gundown") and predating "Corri, uomo, corri" ("Run, Man, Run!"), a sequel to La resa dei conti. Milian stars in a lead role in all three films.


Professor Brad Fletcher (Volonté), a teacher from New England, leaves his job and travels to Texas due to his ill health. After arriving in the west, he ends up taken hostage by a wounded outlaw, Solomon "Beauregard" Bennet (Milian). Fletcher helps Bennet regain his health and manages to convince Bennet that he is more valuable to him alive than dead. Through their uneasy friendship, Fletcher takes an interest in the outlaw way of life. Instead of returning home, he decides to join the "Bennet's Raiders".

Fletcher's influence on Bennet soon causes the formerly cold-blooded killer to rethink his violent behaviour, whereas Fletcher's transformation from a peaceful professor to a confident and greedy criminal makes him break his own moral codes. Due to his intellect and ambition, Fletcher becomes a key member of the gang and soon challenges Bennet for the leader's position. After proving his worth in a duel, Fletcher plans and executes his first bank robbery. After one of the gang members turns out to be Charlie Siringo (William Berger), a Pinkerton detective, Fletcher and Bennet find out there is a vigilante group after them. [cite web | author=Broughton, Lee | title=The Sergio Sollima Italo-Western Box: The Big Gundown, Face to Face & Run Man Run | work=DVD Talk | url=http://www.dvdtalk.com/dvdsavant/s1608soll.html | accessdate=2006-12-25]


External links

*imdb title|0061636

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