Henschel Hs 124

Henschel Hs 124

Infobox Aircraft
name = Henschel Hs 124
type = Fighter-bomber
manufacturer = Henschel & Son

caption =
designer =
first flight = 1934
introduced =
retired =
status =
primary user = Luftwaffe
more users =
produced =
number built = 2
unit cost =
variants with their own articles =

The Henschel Hs 124 was a German prototype twin-engined heavy fighter-bomber. After two were manufactured, work on the airplane was cancelled.

The Hs 124 V1 had two liquid-cooled 12-cylinder Junkers Jumo 210A engines of 449 KW each (610 hp). It was fitted with a rotating turret with two 7.9 mm MG 15 machine guns in the nose.

The Hs 124 V2 had two BMW 132DC 9-cylinder radial engines of 640 KW each (870 hp). It was fitted with two 7.9mm MG 15 machine guns and carried up to 600 kg of bombs.

pecifications (V2)

aircraft specifications
plane or copter?=plane
jet or prop?=prop
crew=3, pilot, radio operator/gunner and bombardier
payload main=
payload alt=
length main= 47 ft 7 in
length alt= 14.5 m
span main= 59 ft 6 in
span alt= 18.2 m
height main= 12 ft 4 in
height alt= 3.75 m
area main= 587.7 ft²
area alt= 54.6 m²
empty weight main= 9,370 lb
empty weight alt= 4,250 kg
loaded weight main=15,939 lb
loaded weight alt= 7,230 kg
useful load main=
useful load alt=
max takeoff weight main=
max takeoff weight alt=
more general=
engine (jet)=
type of jet=
number of jets=
thrust main=
thrust alt=
thrust original=
afterburning thrust main=
afterburning thrust alt=
engine (prop)= BMW 132 DC
type of prop=
number of props=2
power main= 870 hp
power alt= 640 kW
power original=
max speed main=270 mph
max speed alt= 435 km/h
cruise speed main=
cruise speed alt=
stall speed main=
stall speed alt=
never exceed speed main=
never exceed speed alt=
range main=
range alt=
ceiling main=
ceiling alt=
climb rate main=
climb rate alt=
loading main=
loading alt=
power/mass main=
power/mass alt=
more performance=
* 2 x 7.9mm MG 15 machine guns
* 1,323 lb (600 kg) of bombs

External links

* [http://www.1000aircraftphotos.com/Contributions/Visschedijk/2718.htm Johan Visschedijk Collection]

ee also


similar aircraft=

Hs 121 -
Hs 122 -
Hs 123 -Hs 124 -
Hs 125 -
Hs 126 -
Hs 127

List of military aircraft of Germany

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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