Fernão Gomes

Fernão Gomes

Fernão Gomes was a Portuguese merchant and explorer from Lisbon. In 1469, Afonso V, King of Portugal granted him a monopoly over trade in part of the Gulf of Guinea. Under the contract, Gomes was to explore 100 leagues of the coast of Africa per year, for five years.cite web| url = http://www.thornr.demon.co.uk/kchrist/discpde.html| title = Discoveries After Prince Henry| accessdate = 2006-12-24| last = Thorn| first = Rob] He discovered Elmina in 1471,cite web| url = http://www.marinha.pt/extra/revista/ra_fev1999/pag21.html| title = O Contrato de Fernão Gomes| accessdate = 2006-12-24| last =Semedo | first =J, de Matos |language =Portuguese] where a castle (Elmina Castle) and city were later built around the gold mining industry.cite web| url = http://www.ghanatourism.gov.gh/regions/highlight_detail.asp?id=&rdid=116#| title = Elmina Castle| accessdate = 2006-12-24| publisher = Government of Ghana]


Further reading

*"History of the Portuguese Expansion, the Formation of the Empire (1415-1570)"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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