- Fictional setting of Madlax
nihongo|"Madlax"|マドラックス|Madorakkusu is a 26-episode
anime television series produced in 2004 by theBee Train animation studio. Unlike its predominantly realistic spiritual predecessor "Noir", this series is set in an alternate reality where supernatural events and powers are possible, and although it bears multiple similarities to the real world (such as in the detailed depiction of existingfirearm s), the names of all prominently featured countries andpolitical figure s have been changed. In fact, the only two countries described in the series are nihongo|Nafrece|ナフレス|Nafuresu and nihongo|Gazth-Sonika|ガザッソニカ|Gazassonika, whereas others are never depicted and seldom mentioned by name. At one point, Madlax'sinformant mentions that the civil war in Gazth-Sonika has started in1999 and has been on-going for twelve years, so the story takes place approximately in2011 ."Madlax", episode 3 (5:43): The dialogue about Guen McNichol.]Background
Nafrece is a tranquil
Europe an country apparently styled afterFrance : for example, theEiffel Tower that can be seen on multiple occasions,cite web|url=http://www.animejump.com/index.php?module=prodreviews&func=showcontent&id=662|title="Madlax" DVD #1 review at "AnimeJump.com"|accessdate=2006-11-08] "Madlax", episode 14: The Eiffel Tower can be observed at approx. 6:25.] and in the official English translation (see Releases), the names of these two states are almost exactanagram s of each other. No details on thegovernment or thesocial structure of Nafrece have been revealed on the series. Notably, no Nafrecian cities are ever explicitly referred by name within the series, either. Thecurrency commonly used in Nafrece is the nihongo|"yul"|ユール|yūru,"Madlax", episode 2 (7:22), theauction eer: "I'll open the bidding at 1,400,000 yul".
"Madlax", episode 7 (05:58): Elenore and Eric Gillain discuss the latter's payment.] which should not be confused with nihongo|Euro |ユーロ|Yūro.One of the world's biggest enterprises, nihongo|Bookwald Industries|ブッグワルド|Bugguwarudo, is based in Nafrece,"Madlax", episode 2 (11:18): Charlie tells Margaret about Bookwald.] and with several central characters being its employees, it plays an important role in the series. Bookwald officially
invest s into the world's key industries, but also covertly deals with weapons and is, in fact, a subsidiary of a powerful world-widecrime syndicate nihongo|Enfant|アンファン|Anfan,"Madlax", episodes 12-26: Vanessa and Madlax's investigation.] that controls every information channel on the planet."Madlax", episode 4: Maclay Marini's investigation of Enfant and its consequences.] The leader of Enfant apparently hassupernatural powers: he is seen as able to erase a person's memory and alter their personality.cite web|url=http://www.animeondvd.com/reviews2/disc_reviews/5309.php|title="Madlax" DVD #2 review at "AnimeOnDVD.com"|accessdate=2006-11-08] "" means "child " in French, wherein this organization parallels a similar one in "Noir", called "" (French for "soldier s").Enfant's
headquarters are located in Gazth-Sonika,"Madlax", episode 24 (13:45): Madlax and Elenore reach Enfant HQ without leaving Gazth-Sonikan combat zone.] a country in south-westernAsia , that has been plagued for twelve years by a civil war between a Royalist faction and an armedreligious group named nihongo|Galza|ガルザ|Garuza."Madlax", episode 11 (1:39): The article about Gazth-Sonika that Margaret reads.] This country may have been inspired by or named after theGaza Strip , since the syllables nihongo|"ga-za"|ガザ in both _ja. ガザ地区 ("gaza chiku", "Gaza Strip") and _ja. ガザッソニカ are written with the samekana . Gazth-Sonika is geographically separated into two zones: the combat and demilitarized one, with the city of Daman in the latter being the only city explicitly named in the series cite web|url=http://www.animeondvd.com/reviews2/disc_reviews/5317.php|title="Madlax" DVD #3 review at "AnimeOnDVD.com"|accessdate=2006-11-08] (it's unknown whether it has been inspired byDaman, India ). The Nafrecian yur is used as a currency in Gazth-Sonika, as well, with 50 yur being considered a very large sum by the locals."Madlax", episode 1 (7:46): Madlax overhears a soldier reporting on outcome of the negotiations with a Galza fighter.]There are multiple general similarities between the real world and the fictional world of "Madlax", as well, for example, the "Darwin"
operating system "Madlax", episode 4 (2:50): A "Welcome to Darwin!" message can be seen on the screen of Anne Moré'slaptop .] appears throughout the story and thecat statuette that Madlax keeps in her apartment "Madlax", episode 13 (12:43): Maneki Neko can be seen on Madlax's desk.] is a traditional Japanesegood luck charm calledManeki Neko .Japan itself is mentioned early in the series,"Madlax", episode 2 (8:01), Vanessa Rene: "There was a Japanese firm next to us."] although it's the only real country to be so. Moreover, allfirearm s depicted in "Madlax" (as well as some vehicles, such as the light tankERC 90 Sagaie ) exist in the real world, for example, Madlax's favorite SIG 210-2 or Limelda Jorg's H&K PSG-1 sniper rifle.See also the [http://www.beetrainfan.org/wiki/index.php?title=Firearms_in_Madlax list of firearms in "Madlax"] on "Bee Train Fan Wiki".]Terminology
Due to the specifics of the genre, many terms and concepts remain unexplained even upon finishing the series, so the audience has to guess their meaning and nature by their visible effects.cite web|url=http://www.animeondvd.com/reviews2/disc_reviews/4882.php|title="Madlax" DVD #6 review at "AnimeOnDVD.com"|accessdate=2006-11-09] cite web|url=http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/madlaxvol4.php|title="Madlax" DVD #4 review at "DVDVerdict.com"|accessdate=2006-11-08]
* The nihongo|Gift|資質|Shishitsu is a rare affinity found among the humans who possess
paranormal abilities, such as altering the reality by entering the spiritual space called the Sanctuary. Those who have the Gift can be recognized by the lack of common reaction to the Words of Saruon from the Holy Books, however, experienced mystics like Friday Monday, Lady Quanzitta and Nakhl can also tell a Gifted person by simply looking at them. Apparently, there is a gradation of power among those who possess the Gift, since abilities accessible by some of them, cannot be used by others:
** The only person within the series who can reach the Sanctuary on her own and subsequently use the Gift to its full extent, applyingglobal changes to the reality, is Margaret Burton. In 1999, Friday Monday had the same magnitude of power, but has lost it because of his facial injury."Madlax", episode 25 (7:47): Friday explains the significance of his wound.] Colonel Richard Burton entered the Sanctuary but was unable to resist the Words of Awakening, so whether he has had the Gift is arguable. The least prominent but obvious Gift belonged to Carrossea-Poupee,Nakhl: "I also met one other person who had the Gift. [...] His name is Carrossea Doon". "Madlax", episode 15 (4:03).] who could only reach the Sanctuary with Margaret's help. Madlax does not have the Gift, but is able to follow her other persona, Margaret, to the Door of Truth. Quanzitta Marison can communicate with the Sanctuary residents, but has never displayed any other abilities commonly associated with the Gift.
* The nihongo|Door of Truth|真実の扉|Shinjitsu no Tobira is ametaphysic al construct that separates the Sanctuary from the material world as most humans know it. Only those with the Gift can reach and go through it.
* The nihongo|Sanctuary|聖都|Seito is a spiritual dimension, where the power of those with the Gift reaches its limits. Such things as splitting oneself into multiple personae or starting aglobal war are only possible within the Sanctuary, though the latter also requires the presence of all three Holy Books and a very powerful Gift in a person. Although entering the Sanctuary is only possible from certain material locations (such as the cave guarded by Lady Quanzitta and Friday Monday's residence), once inside, a person can apparently exit it to any geographical point, which'd explain how Margaret returned directly to Nafrece in 1999 and in the end of the series.
* A "persona" (multiple: "personae") is aliving being that is created when a person possessing the Gift wishes to separate themselves from certain parts of their personality and to accomplish that, draws upon the power of the Sanctuary. Such beings receive a physical form that is rarely similar to the original and a number of peculiar traits, such as Madlax's supernatural battle skills and regeneration. The nominal "main" persona is the one that retains the Gift since only they can merge the others back together.
** A "memory keeper" or a "memory ghost" is a special type of personae that appears when a Gifted person loses or forcibly rejects their memories while within the Sanctuary. Memory keepers cannot leave the Sanctuary without assistance from other personae in the material world, however, they do appear to them indream s and visions. Aside from that, only the mystic Quanzitta Marison can communicate with them directly. In the series, only two memory keepers are depicted: Laetitia and Poupee.Holy Books
nihongo|"Firstari"|ファースタリ|Fāsutari, nihongo|"Secondari"|セカンダリ|Sekandari, nihongo|"Thirstari"|サースタリ|Sāsutari are the nihongo|three Holy Books|三冊の本|sansatsu no hon|lit. "a book in three volumes" written in the
extinct language of nihongo|Saruon|サルオン with the nihongo|Elies script|エリエス文字|Eriesu moji. The term "Holy Books" wasn't used in the Japanese original but is, instead, aneologism coined by the English-speaking fandom in attempt to merge the terms "a book in three volumes" and nihongo|"the Holy Words of Saruon"|サルオンの真言|Saruon no Shingon, which was used by the authors. The origin of the Books is unknown even to Lady Quanzitta Marison, and it is said that none ofFour Great Ancient Civilizations (Egypt,Babylon , China, and India, according to the eponymous theory by Chinese historians) could have created them."Madlax", episode 7 (11:47): Eric Gillain'sinformant on the Elies script.]Each Book contains one of the three powerful
incantation s necessary to reach the Sanctuary and use its power. For humans who don't have the Gift, the incantations are of grave danger because they put those who hear or read them into deep trance (an effect similar to thefnord s found in "The Illuminatus! Trilogy " cite web|url=http://www.rawilson.com/illuminatus.shtml#fnord|title="The Golden Apple": an excerpt on fnords|accessdate=2006-11-10|quote=The first conditioned reflex was to experience the panic reaction (the activation syndrome, it's technically called) whenever encountering the word "fnord".] ), making them firstmurder everyone they can (starting with their own relatives and friends) and then commitsuicide .cite web|url=http://www.animeboredom.co.uk/anime-reviews/madlax/868|title="Madlax" DVD #2 review at "AnimeBoredom.co.uk"|accessdate=2006-12-14] "Madlax", episode 4: The Moré case.] This effect has been explained so that a person in the trance is "freed" from moral andethic al restrictions of their upbringing and therefore genuinely enjoys acting cruel and inhumane, or "naturally", as Friday Monday firmly maintains."Madlax", episode 22 (13:16): Vanessa is subjected to the Words of Awakening by Friday Monday (16:59) after a short conversation.] In rare cases, such as Eric Gillain and Madlax's, the Words of Saruon simply make a person remember once committed, but later selectively forgotten crimes that were so amoral that a mere memory of them can result in their suicide."Madlax", episodes 7 and 8: Eric Gillain's life story.] "Madlax", episode 14 (1:38): Madlax's reaction to Enfant's trap.]The only humans who didn't have the Gift but were able to resist the incantations throughout the series are Madlax, Elenore Baker,"Madlax", episode 24 (16:21): Margaret, Elenore, and Friday Monday's conversation.] and Vanessa Rene, though the latter required Madlax's help.
* "Firstari" contains the Words of Awakening - "Elda Taluta"
* "Secondari" contains the Words of True Nature - "Sarks Sark"
* "Thirstari" contains the Words of the Truth - "Ark Arks"References
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