Robert Enrico

Robert Enrico

Robert Georgio Enrico (April 13, 1931 - February 23, 2001) was a French film director and scriptwriter.

He was born in Liévin, Pas-de-Calais, in the north of France.

Filmography as director

* "Fait d'hiver" (1999)
* "" (1996) (TV)
* "Vent d'est" (1993)
* "La Révolution française" (1989) (segment "Les Années Lumière")
* "Le Hérisson" (1989) (TV)
* "De guerre lasse" (1987)
* "Zone rouge" (1986)
* "Au nom de tous les miens" (1985) (mini TV Series)
* "Au nom de tous les miens" (1983)
* "Pile ou face" (1980)
* "L'Empreinte des géants" (1980)
* "Un neveu silencieux" (1977)
* "Le vieux fusil" (1975) - César Award for Best Film
* "Le Secret" (1974)
* "Les Caïds" (1972)
* "Boulevard du rhum" (1971)
* "Un peu, beaucoup, passionnément..." (1971)
* "Ho!" (1968)
* "Tante Zita" (1968)
* "Les Aventuriers" (1967)
* "Les Grandes gueules" (1966)
* "" (1965) (TV)
* "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge", episode of "The Twilight Zone" (1964)
* "Contre point" (1964)
* "Au coeur de la vie" (1963)
* "La Belle vie" (1963) - Prix Jean Vigo
* "La Rivière du hibou" (1962)
* "Montagnes magiques" (1962)
* "Chickamauga" (1962)
* "Thaumetopoea, la vie des chenilles processionnaires du pain et leur extermination contrôlée" (1961)
* "Thaumetopoea" (1960)
* "Jehanne" (1956)
* "Paradiso terrestre" (1956) (co-director)

External links


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